

This night was already going to be quiet and maybe probably boring somehow not on sale I got a message from a longtime friend of mine that lost huge amount of money to a very potential investment that went wrong due to some political misunderstandings between one of his partners and the bus that was giving them the contract. as soon as I got this message I was so worried and I was in a hurry to call him back but then I realized I didn't have enough air time and so I didn't wanted to call him on Whatsapp I wanted a normal call so I had to go to my bank and try to get airtime but unfortunately off my bank keep the beating me without actually recharging my phone and so I had to keep trying for like five good times and I got there be careful all the five times without crediting me my airtime so I didn't know who else to call as I don't like asking people for things and the only person that came to my mind at that very moment was my mum.

I try to reach out to my mum severally but she wasn't picking up a flush or try to call me not until this night I was in the bedroom waiting when my phone and I couldn't pick myself from the bedroom to pick calls as I was soaked with soap all over my body so I had to quickly rushed my beating process only to find out that I missed my mum's calls and I had to try flashing her and fortunate enough this time around she called me back and explain to her how I needed to call back my friend that I've lost so much money and she didn't waste time to actually get me airtime from my own end and as soon as I receive the airtime I didn't wait 1 second to call him. I didn't even remember to cream my body. and I have been on that call for over 2 hours in the explain to me how everything went and I tried to give him hope and try to see how we can still make things work for him and as for the investments that he made with 9 million there is still a possibility for him to get his money out since his politics related with construction but for the meantime they are some materials that needsto be done and for the person that put them in this great danger is wanted as I type right now so until some setting things are being resolved the money will still be held hostage so that is to say there is still a possibility for him to get back the money but for the meantime he have to move on with life and try to do some other stuffs to keep himself busy so he doesn't think about this whole situation at hand.

It is really important that we look for you way to reach out to one another and to comfort one another in times of need helping someone generally doesn't just mean giving the person funds but sometimes it means giving the person a listening year and contribute to the person emotionally. Well I am so glad that I could be of help because I could get him to at least eat even as it is late since he refused to take lunch and dinner and it's already very late and the call would have still been on by now but my airtime almost got exhausted as I got warning from MTN network service so I had to quickly Roundup and promise to call him the next day in the morning precisely to know how he's doing. so I thought of resting for the night since I've already taken my bath but then again I couldn't wait to drop this message here because keeping it it tomorrowwill be that I am filing up informations because tomorrow is another big day for another information and storyline for itself so since to this storyline is for today I decided to drop it today.

Do have a good night rest hivers

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