Playing with an Agave?

The whole of the plant with the mountains in the background.
I just love the colors on the tips of the plant.
Yep, the droplets.
The plant seems to be sweating, lol!

The husband loves to take photographs of anything that catches his attention (living and non-living) everywhere he goes. These photos of a single subject which I think is a variety of Agave plant were his. He captured them during a random drive last month (11th August) along the Halsema Highway while I was exploring the mini-park.

He particularly likes taking close-up shots and is easily drawn to green plants especially when there are droplets and or morning dew in them. Lucky me because he lets me use them in my write-ups, hehe!

Anyhow, how is everyone today? I hope everything is going well for you.

Typhoon Noru finally left and the skies are starting to clear up although it was drizzly earlier in the day. Now that the gloom is going away, it is becoming windy. Thankfully, our region is mostly safe. Sadly, it isn't the case in the lowlands where according to news, there had been massive flooding and destruction...

Super typhoons are a yearly occurrence here in the country and these are some of those disasters which we cannot avoid nor dodge away from. We can only take precautionary measures and try to stay safe the best way we can. I am ardently hoping there would be no more of this destructive kind...

Thank you and keep safe everyone, wherever you may be.

Photos courtesy of the husband. 270922/09:30ph

Smile... laugh often... love more... be happy and grateful always!

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