Peeking Through (and Beyond) the Trees


“Between every two pine trees there is a door leading to a new way of life.”

– John Muir

The weekend drive took us to Kabayan which is one of the 13 municipalities in the province. We initially wanted to visit the cave where the mummies are but we realized it is closed since it is a Sunday.

So we ended up just driving along the provincial roads, stopping now and then to enjoy the beautiful landscapes and simply live like we have all the time in the world. Sometimes it feels great to just let our soul wonder and wander through and through.

One of the spots which I like best was this area which was overlooking the town center. It came as a surprise as we were heading downhill when we noticed the nice view from up there so we slowed down a bit.

The first things that caught my eyes were the beautiful trees and their branches not so dense yet spreading some shade over the place. There were a few kids and some teeners playing volleyball which was a lovely thing to see.

Such a scene isn't often seen in our place nowadays. Most children are either inside their homes glued in front of the TV screens or on their gadgets. But it seems a lot different in this town so it's kind of refreshing. Activities like this should be encouraged more, don't you think?

It was nice watching them for a little while but then we were really hungry so we didn't stay there longer. We drove down in search for a place to eat but we didn't expect the difficulty of finding a parking space in the center of town so while our tummies growled, we spent another 10-15 minutes looking for one. We get past the school where there seemed to be an event going on but we didn't find any safer spot so we came back and parked right along that street.

Then we walked for about 10 minutes to the first diner we found and went in. They didn't have many options in their menu but hell, we're famished so anything will do, lol! Besides, we had to go back to the car immediately or they might take its plate because we were parked where there was a "No Parking" sign which is every where that left us no choice really.😂

But yes, the busy town center was nothing like the very laidback scene we observed up there where the kids were playing. It felt like we were suddenly transported to another dimension which was the opposite of what we were enjoying earlier, hehe! But that is the beauty of going to places I think, being able to see (and experience) how life is like out there while we explore.

Photos are my own. 02022023/09:15ph

Smile... laugh often... love more... be happy and grateful always!

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