Revitalizing My Container Garden | Alive&ThrivingYr3

ZZZ plant - my most successful repotting so far. This plant grows well in the garden that I thought of having more of it. Three pots now have the same plant. I hope they all thrive.
This is where the garden begins -- the leftmost side of the terrace.
Those are the pots where the zzz plant has been replanted.
On the right is my mayana plant that has grown big over time. I had it repotted to two other pots. Hopefully, they will also grow as big. In front are some pots containing the moss rose. I hope they all bloom in time.
Mom's friend gave her a 'five fingers plant' that has tiny yellow flowers. That's the center plant now. It has been repotted to a bigger pot, so I hope it will grow bigger. It used to be in a tiny pot.
This is the rightmost side of the container garden. I'm waiting for the purple sand to have some flowers. It has been two years. The rangoon creeper is recovering well from pest infestation. It has yet to have flowers again.

A long while back, I started sharing about my little container garden on a Hive dApp called Terrive. Unfortunately, it's now gone. Plus, I have not worked much on my container garden after the pest infestation. Sure, I watered the plants daily, but I have not rearranged, fixed, repotted or even removed any of the wildly growing weeds. I'm not going to make an excuse, but life did get in the way.

Most days I was just too tired to spend more time in the garden. Having one day off a week did not really help. I wanted and needed more rest time. For a while I did let garden maintenance slip. I have been asking the universe for help to find a gardener or at least someone who could help me maintain the garden from time to time.

I'm glad that I mentioned it to my cleaning person, who comes once a month to help me with general cleaning inside the flat. She thankfully knows someone. The garden finally got its much needed revamp last Sunday. I'm super glad with the outcome that I started taking photos once more. I hope to be able to monitor the growth from hereon. Garden work is far from over, as it's a continuous activity. I also plan to add more flowering plants. For now, let's see how it goes...

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