Beautiful Autumn Colour Palettes


Autumn Holidays

The autumn holidays have started in our part of the Netherlands. And that now provides me with a little less space to walk the dogs undisturbed. It is not often that during my daily walks in the woods I have to pay attention, or even run into people. That has advantages and disadvantages. Because I rarely meet people when I walk through the woods, Skipper is not used to much, and he quickly becomes overstimulated when a lot happens during his walk. And although I love my big tough German Shepherd, it's no fun to walk with him when he's already overstimulated, and the circumstances are such that I can't get him out right away.

I have to leave the forest behind for a week or two

Skipper has a very big mouth, but a very small heart. He barks and bounces to make sure people he finds scary don't want to come near him. Because more people are going into the woods these weeks to look for chestnuts and acorns with their children, I leave the forest behind for a while. It is a pity ... because especially in this time it is beautiful to walk around there.

Beautiful colour palettes

Nature changes spectacularly, the most beautiful colour palettes appear before your eyes and every day it looks a little different. It's really enjoyable! And at the same time, it gives me a bit of a melancholy feeling. Another growing season has come to an end, nature dies down a bit, only to come back to life after the winter. And I? I feel a bit the same. As if I am slowly being lulled into hibernation, only to come back to life after the long dark winter and to shine in the bright light of the sun.

Missing the summer

Now a few days a melancholy feeling is not bad, I think everyone knows that feeling. And in the fall it is often stronger than at other times of the year. The feeling that you are missing something, and of course you are. You miss the summer. Exuberance and outdoor living, the feeling of freedom, which I personally experience much more in the summer than in the winter.

Sensitive to the seasons

It's okay if I have this feeling for a few days, but from the past I also know that I need to shake this off. I've always been sensitive to the seasons, and such a melancholy feeling can strike. One thing that I do very consciously, is, especially in this time, enjoying all the beautiful and fun things that are there every day. Take nothing for granted, but consciously enjoy every moment. Nature survives, she now shows her exuberant beauty before going into hibernation. I don't have the opportunity to have the same hibernation ... but with pictures of the last exuberant summer greetings that nature gives us, I hope to get through the coming winter well again.

I'll be ready when Spring arrives

You can bet that I will be ready in the spring to greet the awakening nature, and with it the longer days filled with sunlight, full of joy and longing. I can hardly wait now. Is it spring again? When I look at our patio pear tree I could almost believe it. This pear tree has gone for a second round of blossom and is again full of beautiful flowers. I also see this happening at the moment with the cherry trees. Temperatures are also still very mild for the time of year, but this gives extra hope and joy on days when I feel a bit gloomy because of the approaching winter. These trees don't give up, just keep going and that, that's what I will do too. Never give up, just keep going, enjoy the nice things that autumn and winter also have to offer, to be fully charged again in the spring!

Is it Spring already!

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