Mornings On The Homestead


Mornings on the homestead are a lot less stressful now that I no longer have a milk cow. Yes I miss her but I know she’s with a good family along with her calves providing delicious milk for them daily!

Now the homestead for now is dogs, chickens and bees!

A few weeks ago I installed an automatic chicken door and I have to say what a huge time saver and just less stress of waking up super early every morning. I am a morning person but sometimes you just want to sleep in a little! The automatic door allows me to do that and not have to go out in the bitter cold mornings to let them out. They are happy and I was honestly surprised to see them out some days with how cold it was getting.

The girls also decided to make their own nest instead of using their nesting boxes. This is ok for now since I opened the coop up to them more allowing them to venture around in the middle area. I’d like to get that other side finished off as well which will most likely become a summer project for this year.

I found some of my bees had come out for water which was a little weird only to find they had all died. I’m curious to see how the hives did last year from the attack that happened which I’ll be opening up to check on them when it starts to heat up. I’m really hoping they are ok otherwise it’s time to start all over again.

Oh yeah I also tried to give my dead bees to the chickens and they were not having it lol

Thank you for following my on my homestead journey. I'm glad you're enjoying it as much as I am and I appreciate all of the support you have all shown and given.

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