Homestead Backyard Chickens


The first animal I got on the homestead besides my dogs was Chickens! I started off with 9 hens and one rooster who are the white chickens you see in these pictures. This type of chicken is bread for being a egg layer and not meat. They produce around 2 eggs each per week and in some cases can lay up to 5-6 eggs per week! Let's just say I'm going to have a good amount of eggs lol.

I also adopted 3 other hens shortly after getting my leghorns. I'm unsure on the type but they are the dark black chickens you see in the later pictures. After that I adopted Chrissy who was a lone survivor of a dog attack on the flock at another homestead. It was said she might do well and fit in with my Chickens better since she's still younger and about the same age as mine.

Chrissy got picked on a lot when she first came to the coop. Many commented that it was just pecking order but it always looked like more to me. However being a first time homesteader and seeing this for the first time I wasn't sure. It went on for almost two weeks but in my recent vlog Backyard Chickens I did a update on her. She's starting to fit in finally and go outside which has been a huge weight off my shoulders. I care of all of the animals on my homestead and want them to live a good life here.

Chrissy whos featured in the last two pictures is a grey chicken but I'm unsure of the bread of her. She's been able to move around with the flock now without them chasing her away. She's blending in well, seems happier and the white in her face is now gone. She's eating well, drinking water without me having to watch her and the other chickens (at first I had to chase the others out and let her come down to eat and drink) I'm happy she's finding her place here on the homestead. BTW that's goober the rooster lol I swear the other day he was giving me a dirty look haha

Thank you so much for joining me on my homestead journey and supporting it with your kind comments and suggestions. I'm glad you are all enjoying these moments as a first time homesteader with me.

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