We escaped to the pool, despite the rain 🥳💦



Últimamente el clima no es un buen aliado para tener días divertidos, sin embargo ya se acercaba la despedida de mi sobrina y todavía no habíamos podido llevarla a que disfrutara en la piscina, así que a pesar del tiempo lluvioso nos arriesgamos a ir al Hotel Tibisay para que, con mucha suerte, pudiera nadar un rato. Justo al llegar y meternos en la piscina comenzó a llover, así que nos tocó salir corriendo al área del restaurante, entonces para no perder tiempo decidimos almorzar algo rápido mientras escampaba. El resto de la tarde la pasamos entrando y saliendo de la piscina por la lluvia, pero a pesar de todo se logró el objetivo de que viviera la experiencia, y ella la pasó genial. ¡Gracias a Dios por cada momento a su lado! ✨


Lately the weather is not a good ally to have fun days, however my niece's farewell was approaching and we still had not been able to take her to enjoy the pool, so despite the rainy weather we risked going to the Tibisay Hotel so that, with a lot of luck, she could swim for a while. Just as we got there and got into the pool it started to rain, so we had to run out to the restaurant area, so we decided to have a quick lunch while it was raining. The rest of the afternoon was spent getting in and out of the pool because of the rain, but in spite of everything the goal of her living the experience was achieved, and she had a great time. Thank God for every moment by her side! ✨

¡Nos vemos pronto!

See you soon!

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