The sun burns


馃馃尲Hola amigos de Hive y liketu 馃馃尲

Que tal las quemaduras el primer d铆a de playa? Me sorprend铆 much铆simo al ver c贸mo ten铆a el pecho y los hombros... El acontecimiento ocurri贸 por irme de excursi贸n sin aplicar protector solar ya que nos iban a dejar y nos toc贸 alcanzar al grupo.

Posteriormente mucha cremita e hidrataci贸n

How were the burns on the first day at the beach? I was very surprised to see how my chest and shoulders looked.... The event happened because I went on a hike without applying sunscreen since they were going to leave us and we had to catch up with the group.
Afterwards, lots of sunscreen and moisturizing.

ya me hab铆a aplicado protector al llegar a la playa y aproximado a las 2h, pero no antes de salir y esto fue un gran error. Definitivamente la peor parte es el ardor!

I had already applied sunscreen when I got to the beach and about 2h, but not before leaving and this was a big mistake. Definitely the worst part is the burning!


  • Traductor DeepL
  • Contenido de mi Autoria.
  • Fotograf铆a tomadas con mi tel茅fono Infinix hot 8
    -Medios de edici贸n: Canva


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