I Love Plants!

Graptopetalum/Sedum hybrid succulent in 3D printed pots
Graptopetalum/Sedum hybrid succulent in 3D printed pots
The Vegetation Room
The Vegetation Room
Pepper Plants, Flowers, and Weed, oh my!
Beans, Green onions, and Tomatoes!

Hello Everyone,

Most of my posts are about cannabis because I'm a cannabis grower primarily, but I also love other plants too!

I've lived a life as a "city person" in New York with minimal experience growing plants when I was young.

I never appreciated the fast paced hamster wheel hustle and bustle, societal pressure of life, etc..

But I succumbed to it in early adulthood and went into the military, only to finish an enlistment and fall further into the depths of societal pressure issues, which lead me to being homeless on the streets of New York for many years, addicted to alcohol and cocaine.

Through growing plants and blogging, I recovered from ten years of homelessness, prison, mental institutions, and feelings of hopelessness that led to various suicide attempts.

Through slowing down and not worrying about the fast paced hustle and bustle I recovered, through believing in myself and not all the negative things that jealousy ridden people would say, I recovered, through valuing myself and knowing my abilities, I recovered, through dismantling ideologies and discovering my own truth, I recovered. When I decided to not be in "recovery", I stopped relapsing and recovered.

Now I'm surrounded by life and happiness, because I learned how to be true to me, and not worry about what others think.

When we seek our purpose internally instead of externally, we sow healthy seeds.

These are my seeds.

Thank you for stopping by,

Have a great day! -@futuremind

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