My Bitcoin PIZZA day!馃崟馃ぉ



Ayer fue el tan esperado Bitcoin Pizza Day, una fecha que es bastante popular entre los criptonautas ya que se conmemora la compra hist贸rica de dos pizzas por 10k Bitcoin y nos demuestra el poder de la misma con el tiempo.

Como me encontraba en mi trabajo y salgo bastante tarde en la noche, no pude asistir a la invitaci贸n por parte de la comunidad @hivesucre, sin embargo, no quise dejar que el evento pasara en vano y compramos unas pizzas para compartir ac谩 en el trabajo y conmemorar el d铆a comiendo pizza, junto a @geneslc y nuestra compa帽era Yajaira.

Adem谩s de eso, aprovech茅 el momento para probar las pizzas de ese local, que ten铆a tiempo queriendo hacerlo y por fin lo logr茅, en su segunda sucursal que queda justo al lado del Centro Comercial donde trabajo.

Cena, amigos, criptomonedas, trabajo y degustaci贸n, ese ser铆a el resumen de mi PIZZA BITCOIN DAY!


Yesterday was the long awaited Bitcoin Pizza Day, a date that is quite popular among cryptonauts as it commemorates the historic purchase of two pizzas for 10k Bitcoin and shows us the power of it over time.

As I was at work and I leave quite late at night, I could not attend the invitation by the @hivesucre community, however, I did not want to let the event pass in vain and we bought some pizzas to share here at work and commemorate the day eating pizza, along with @geneslc and our partner Yajaira.

Besides that, I took advantage of the moment to try the pizzas from that place, which I had been wanting to do it for a long time and finally I did it, in their second branch that is right next to the shopping center where I work.

Dinner, friends, cryptocurrencies, work and tasting, that would be the summary of my PIZZA BITCOIN DAY!


Dispositivo: Samsung A15 | Edici贸n: PicsArt App | Traducci贸n: DeepL App

Device: Samsung A15 | Editing: PicsArt App | Translation: DeepL App

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