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When times are bittersweet my little boy saves me!



The holidays have come to an end and we traveled back home early morning today...

No matter how many times I do this it will always hurts a's always bittersweet to say goodbye to my parents but there's no place like home...and my home is on the island now...

The highlight of the day was at the airplane...he doesn't know but he actually helps a bit with my fear of the flight. I'm actually not that afraid, it's more when it lands on the island. This airport is one of the most difficult ones to land in the world so they say and I do get that though I've been lucky just to get less nasty landings compared to others who have to go back to the mainland or land on another island.

Little David still doesn't understand the level of danger and I wish that he always be brave or keep things as fun as possible!

I always play with him as a fun adventure, especially during the most fearful things, works for him and for myself lol so when we almost landed he started to laugh loud and saying "this is so much fun yay!" that everyone in the plane started to laugh! And then he started to clap and everyone did the same! It was so cute that I'm sure that if someone was afraid he helped that person to forget about it for a moment. At least I hope so...he helped me at least!

He's my rock for sure, my best friend, my safe place!
His hugs will always brighten me on a dark day!

My boy 💙

See you next time!


Eliana Gomes.gif

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