Ice cream friday


El día de ayer salí con mi novia a realizar unas compras, aprovechando que era viernes fuimos a la heladería que esta cercano a nuestra casa a comprarnos un par de barquillas, mientras degustábamos los helados notamos que habían colocado un stand con temática de Mario Bros, supongo que lo hicieron por motivo de la película, cosa un poco rara porque en ese centro comercial no hay cine, la verdad me llamó mucho la atención porque fueron muy creativos haciendo el stand, habían ladrillos de verdad, globos y muñecos de peluche, le dije a mi novia que me tomara un par de fotos para tenerlas de recuerdo, ayer fue un día muy agradable, disfruté mucho haber salido a realizar las compras.

Yesterday I went out with me to do some shopping, taking advantage of the fact that it was Friday we went to the ice cream parlor that is close to our house to buy a couple of ice cream cones, while we were tasting the ice cream we noticed that they had placed a Mario Bros-themed stand, I guess They did it because of the movie, which is a bit strange because there are no cinemas in that shopping center, the truth is that it really caught my attention because they were very creative making the stand, there were real bricks, balloons and stuffed animals, I told him to my girlfriend to take a couple of photos to keep as a memory, yesterday was a very pleasant day, I really enjoyed going out shopping.

¡Gracias por leer!/¡Thank you for reading!

¡Hasta la próxima!/¡Until next time!

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