We went to the oldest cemetery in Colombia, SC


@flowerbaby likes to explore old places, abandoned buildings, and graveyards. She definitely has a few creepy bones in her body, also being a fan of horror and true crime. I asked her what she wanted to do in Colombia after we had taken tons of photos and went out to dinner. She did a Google search and showed me the results. She wanted to go to Elmwood Cemetery. Evidently, it was the oldest graveyard in the area and it happened to be pretty much right behind our Airbnb. We didn't have anything else to do and it looked like the rain was going to continue to hold off, so we headed towards Elmwood.

There were a couple of people visiting graves there, but mostly the place was a ghost town. We walked through pretty much all of it and it took us forever. She was having a blast though I could tell. We tried to graves from as far back as we could, some were in the early 1800s! There were all sorts of names that you just don't hear today too. Some of the graves even had a bunch of stuff written about the person. A few were too old to read or hadn't been maintained very well over the years. For the most part, this old place was in great condition though.

I believe that our favorite part was the last two photos in this post. They are a couple of men's graves from the Fair family. They were from the late 1800s to the early 1900s. The writings made these men sound godlike. Plus although they were in English, there were so many old words used that you just do not here today. You'd most likely need a dictionary to understand all of what was written. We may not have known any of these people, but clearly, a lot of them were loved. Especially Barnabas and Dick Fair.

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