Un domingo familiar✨ |Family Sunday ✨


Los domingos son días muy especiales para nosotros, porque vamos a la iglesia y tratamos de hacer algo diferente lejos del trabajo y las responsabilidades del hogar. En esta ocasión, como estamos de viaje, luego de ir a la iglesia nos llevaron a comer fresas con crema, que estaban muy deliciosas, paseamos un rato por Lechería, haciendo un recorrido por la zona en carro porque la bebé estaba dormida y el sol estaba muy fuerte como para exponerla así, y finalmente en la tarde salimos a caminar y a disfrutar de la hermosa tarde mientras planificabamos lo que hariamos durante la semana.


Sundays are very special days for us, because we go to church and try to do something different away from work and home responsibilities. On this occasion, since we are traveling, after going to church they took us to eat strawberries and cream, which were very delicious, we walked around Lechería for a while, taking a tour of the area by car because the baby was asleep and the sun She was too strong to expose her like that, and finally in the afternoon we went out for a walk and enjoyed the beautiful afternoon while we planned what we would do during the week.

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