MundoPizza day 🤩


Yesterday my family and I needed to go out for a walk like we hadn't done in a while, among so much uncertainty about where we could go, it occurred to us to go eat pizza.
We decided to go to a nearby pizzeria called MundoPizza, it made me very happy to see them happy and enjoying the afternoon, we ordered a meter long pizza with lots of toppings, quite a delight.
In general, we spent an excellent day in which the most important thing of all was the family unit, our great treasure.

Ayer mi familia y yo necesitábamos salir a pasear como hace rato no lo hacíamos, entre tanta incertidumbre de a dónde podíamos ir, se nos ocurrió ir a comer pizza.
Decidimos ir a una pizzería cercana llamada MundoPizza, me daba mucha alegría verlos felices y disfrutando de la tarde, ordenamos pizza de un metro de largo y muchos agregos, toda una delicia.
En general pasamos un excelente día en el cual, lo más importante de todo era la unidad familiar, nuestro gran tesoro

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