Playing to create the atmosphere gases with my cousin after the visit to the Jurassic Museum of Asturias. (ENG-ESP)

Tyrannosaurus Rex at the entrance to the Asturias Jurassic Museum
Jurassic Museum of Asturias
Game purchased at the Jurassic Museum of Asturias that contains material to build a dinosaur skeleton, educational book and 9 experiments on the formation of the earth, atmosphere, volcanoes.
Experiment on the formation of atmospheric gases. In this particular case the formation of CO2. Explaining the steps to follow for the experiment I did with my 7 year old cousin.
Add about 100mL of vinegar or lemon juice to a small bottle of water. This way we will have acetic acid or citric acid in the bottle. These two acids are good precursors to form CO2 when mixed with a base.
With the help of a funnel add two tablespoons of baking soda (it is a base) into a balloon.
Then we place the balloon over the mouth of the bottle. With the precaution that the baking soda is not added to the bottle. My little cousin did it easily.
We drop the bicarbonate and this generates a chemical reaction in which acetic acid reacts with the bicarbonate to form water and CO2. This CO2 fills the balloon.


Nice to greet you again friends of #Hive and #Liketu.

This week I visited the Jurassic Museum of Asturias with my aunt and uncle and a 7 year old cousin of mine. This museum is located in the town of Colunga (Asturias- Spain).

It has been a visit that has pleased me by the multitude of dinosaurs that adorn the entire outside of the museum and has free access. Once we finished the visit, I went to the museum store to look for a gift for my cousin. I found a very complete game that includes the construction of a dinosaur skeleton, an explanatory book about the evolution of the planet, the life of dinosaurs and their extinction. But what my cousin liked the most are the 9 experiments included in the book that includes the formation of a volcano or the formation of the atmosphere.

The experiment of which I show you the images is a simple experiment and consists of the formation of CO2 after mixing sodium bicarbonate with an acid, such as acetic acid from vinegar or citric acid from lemon juice. If we run this experiment with a plastic bottle and a balloon to pour the baking soda slowly and at the same time collect the gas so that it fills up, it is an experiment that any child will love to see. I loved doing this experiment with my cousin because I remembered the first time I saw this type of reaction when I was a child and that later marked my life to end up getting a doctorate in chemical sciences.

Best regards.

Pictures taken with my iPhone SE.

Translated with (free version).


Encantado de saludarles de nuevo amigos de #Hive y #Liketu.

Esta semana he visitado junto a mis tíos y una prima que tengo de 7 años el museo del jurásico de Asturias. Este museo se encuentra en la localidad de Colunga (Asturias- España).

Ha sido una visita que me ha agradado por la multitud de dinosaurios que adornan toda la parte exterior del museo y que tiene acceso gratuito. Una vez que terminamos la visita, fui a la tienda del museo a buscar algún regalo con el que agasajar a mi prima. Encontré un juego muy completo que incluye la construcción del esqueleto de un dinosaurio, un libro explicativo sobre la evolución del planeta, la vida de los dinosaurios y su extinción. Pero lo que más le ha gustado a mi prima son los 9 experimentos que incluye el libro que incluye la formación de un volcán o la formación de la atmosfera.

El experimento del que os enseño las imágenes es un experimento sencillo y consiste en la formación de CO2 tras la mezcla de bicarbonato de sodio con un ácido, como puede ser ácido acético del vinagre o ácido cítrico del zumo de un limón. Si este experimento lo ejecutamos con una botella de plástico y con un globo para poder derramar el bicarbonato lentamente y a la vez recoger el gas para que se llene, es un experimento que le encantara ve a cualquier niño. A mí me encanto ejecutar con mi prima este experimento porque recordé la primera vez que vi este tipo de reacciones cuando era pequeño y que después marco mi vida para terminar pasados los años sacando el doctorado en ciencias químicas.

Un cordial saludo, amigos.

Fotografias obtenidas con mi iPhone SE.

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