Floral carpets in Castropol (Asturias). POBphotocontest (LINEAR PERSPECTIVE)

Photo submitted to the #pobphotocontest. Floral carpet and my mother in the picture.
Floral carpet indicating the Corpus Christi festivity and the name of the locality (Castropol)
Floral carpet in honor of Saint Matthew
Continuation of the previous floral carpet
Another one of the many floral carpets that were
Floral carpet with my mother

Hi #liketu, #hive and #pof friends, I am delighted to participate again in #pobphotocontest organized by @friendlymoose.

Searching in my image gallery I located several photographs of the year 2019 during the celebration of Corpus Christi in the Asturian town of Castropol that could be valid for the linear prespective contest.

During this celebration, the neighbors of this town decorate their streets with carpets built with flower petals, silver leaves, tree leaves, moss and some other vegetable element in order to make carpets with some religious drawing.

That day I remember I was taking a walk through my village which is 20 kilometers from Castropol and had read in the newspaper celebrated this festival of floral carpets. As I had never been to see this artistic-religious expression, I convinced my mother to accompany me.

As a souvenir I kept the 6 photos that I liked the most and it so happens that some of them meet the requirement of the linear perspective of the contest.

I hope you like my contribution.

Best regards.

Pictures taken with my iPhone SE.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version).

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