Food tripping around Binondo, Manila!

Oh how long it's been since I've last been to manila. I think the last time I was there wwas wwhen I accompanied my college roomy in getting new glasses last year. And now, I return to manila for the sake of foooooddd~~!!

It's always the food you come back to, and my best friend 1000% agrees with that. Which is why she painstakingly made a trip to manila just so we could fulfill our college plans of going on a street food crawl around China town.

China town is in the heart of Tondo, Manila. Binondo!
And to get there, of course, we have to go trhough Manila first.

My trip to manila is never complete wwithout taking a photo of the city hall.

This is not the kku klux klan. This is a sign for the katipunan. A group that fought against the spaniards and they are people whom have fought bravely for the philippine independence.

Then this church right here is the Binondo church which is where I had to wait for my best friend for... an hour or so? because the bus she took passed through manila. I ttold her to take the train instead, but she wouldn't listen to me sometimes

What I appreciate wwas the murals that wwere very wwell preserved. I actually took my sweet time looking at them one by one. Sadly, I wwasn't allowed to take a much closer photo of the murals so I'm fine with just remembering them in my head.

Once the bff finally decided to show up, we made our wway to lucky chinatown. It's basically a huge mall wwith a ton of food stalls. I remember calling it food street before because every sunday, it wwould be lined up with street food as far as the eye can see, and to me, at those times, were some of the best memories i wwant to experience again. But this new experience wwith my best friend is something I'd love to lve through again too.

The place we ate at wwas LanZhou Lamien, which is a specialty store for hand pulled noodles and authentic Lamien soup. the dumplings wwere sooo good here too though, but it's still not at the level of the xiao long bao in mezzanine cafe. Those dumplings are really to die for!
Oh, but the noodles in this place wwas extremely heavenly too. Like, it wwas light, and extremely flavorful, wespecially the broth. The servings wwere really big yet just enough to satisfy one person. All in all, The food here wwould definitely be something I'd go back to.

After eating, we got a bit lost going to our accomodation. We ended up paying x10 of wwhat wwe could have just paid if wwe asked for directions, but oh well, it was a lesson to be learned.

Anyways, after dropping off our stuff at the place, wwe made our wway to quiapo. I wwas hell bent on getting lumpia at Global shanghai shop, but the best friens had other plans. She dragged me to the thrift street where we then stayed at for maybe 2 hours or so? I had to help her with wardrobe choices. Needless to say, i enjoyed dressing her up, and I even managed to find a feww good pieces for myself.

So this is definitely what I would call the highlight of the entire trip! The Ugbo street night market! It was a crazy night we had. I think from 9pm to midnight, we just roamed around and tried food from wwhatever stall wwe came across. It was crowded, festive and soooo much fun! Sadly, there weren't sampler food, but I can assure you, the food tastes just as good as it looks no matter wwhich stall you buy from. And I wwas pretty sure I wwent a little overboard on the ice cream because I had ice cream rolls wwhen wwe got there... And I also had a mega cup of ice cream to eat on the wway back. My swweet tooth wwas extremely happy, that much I can assure you XD

I think this is all from me for today. I'm currently wwriting this on a monday night, and I can assure you, my body is hella sore from digesting a few hundred samples today. I'm just making this quick wwrite up and then I'll be sketching until I get sleepy. I'll see you guys on the next blog~~!

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