Black tea is the most popular Beverage in my culture. (Ecency Discord Posting Topic 46)


First and foremost, thank you to Beeber for mentioning and appreciating me in her Ecency discord topic post. This week's topic is "BEVERAGES," which is one of the best themes in Asian countries, especially during the winter season. When the temperature is cold and the wind is howling, the only beverage that will keep you warm is hot black tea, which can be supplemented with a few drops of lemon.

Water and tea are the most commonly utilised drinks in my city, in my opinion. The most popular cold-weather beverages are teas, which come in a variety of flavours, the most frequent of which being black and milk tea. Tea, which is considered a traditional drink in my nation, may be found at every gathering and occasion. It is feasible for us to begin the day without drinking milk tea, and for me to end the day without sipping black tea.

There are numerous beverages in the world that are blessings to humans, and practically every type of beverage is available to us, with the exception of beer, which is illegal in my nation. We completely shun beer and other alcoholic beverages that are more detrimental to human health. Regardless, among the beverages, I choose black tea, milk tea, water, and banana shake. These are the most common drinks I consume on a regular basis, along with a few cold drinks.

When I go on picnics with family or friends, I always bring black tea or milk tea with me. If we don't take it from home, we make it over there by lighting a fire and preparing black tea over a wooden fire, which has a different flavour. For example, I recently went trekking with some friends in the mountains, and we produced black tea, which is a lot of fun and excellent when you're close to nature and the weather is nice. In yesterday's post, you may see a lovely picture of nature over the mountains and get an idea of how important black tea is in such gorgeous weather.

One of the main reasons I drink black tea is because it keeps your stomach clean and helps you digest food efficiently. It is also the ideal source for balancing your body temperature and boosting your energy in the winter. We also use this tea to relieve anxiety, and it is utilised in offices to relieve work stress and keep you active while you work. This tea also helps to make you less drowsy, so if you need to accomplish a task and sleep comes over you, this is the greatest moment to get rid of the sleep.

As you can see in the picture, I have some wonderful pictures with my friends and relatives from various picnic events when we are holding our favourite beverages. The first photo was taken when we were left to go for a walk and enjoy the gorgeous scenery near the mountains. We get to take a break at the top and sip black tea with squeezed lemon, which helps to warm our bodies and relax us after the exercise.

The second shot shows us at the Sabutai Hotel, again waiting for tea, but this time we drank a cup of water first. I requested my uncle to pour water into the glass, and I'll try to get some good shots. These are some images that I felt would be appropriate to share with the topic Beverages. These are the two most frequent beverages consumed in my city and culture.

This is my attempt to shed light on this week's topic of beverages. I hope you enjoy the photography as well as the post. If you like the post, please leave feedback in the comments section so that the next one is even better. Thank you for sticking with me until the end.

REMEMBER: We should prepare for the unexpected and hope for the best. Life may not be easy, but you must do your best and leave the rest to God.

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