Tenerife Tomfoolery: And… Action!


Up to antics in my Tenerife days, and an impromptu day of filming in a local bar!

A couple of chaps were doing some filming for a movie when I was in Callao Salvaje (just up from Adeje for those who know Tenerife a little). They needed a few extras so I got in amongst it.

My job was mainly standing at the bar and drinking… I can manage that, the part I was born to play! It was a bit of a gangster movie and something was going down. I also got roped into a bit of a fight sequence where the main character beat the shit out of me.

Being a method actor I went for authenticity and necked a couple of beers rather than faking it. Perhaps not quite Daniel Day Lewis… more Jean-Claude Van Damme fused with Jim Carrey.

I've got a short video of me rolling around on the floor somewhere, so I'll post that at some point.

All good fun. Unfortunately there was some error in the recording and it was lost. They re-shot a lot of it in the same village but a different bar, but alas, I was out of town. I think they got what they needed but you won't see my name up in lights.

At least not yet ;)

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