Welcome to H.A.T.E.D - HIVE Anti-Tyranny Education Distribution

In the current day and age, the ability to access immutable community forums of sorts where individuals from all walks of life and geographical location can come together to share information, news and report on government perpetrated atrocities in their local area and beyond. In the advent of a situation where the only way to ensure our freedom from oppression and tyranny is through bearing arms this community can and will be armed and mobilized against the government threat.

Welcome to H.A.T.E.D

HIVE Anti-Tyranny Education Distribution

This community will consist of individuals throughout the world's many regions who are committed to reporting on, fighting of and total suppression of tyrannical governments and the many methods in which the average individual can join the ranks of resistance fighters against tyrannical governments. The fact a need for a place such as this has occurred means the fight has begun.

What is Tyranny?


Tyranny occurs when good men do nothing to oppose a government who is overstepping their bounds and imposing their will on others by rule of force, out of fear of incarceration or by violence against their own people or others. Dictatorships such as Mao, Stalin and Hitler are prime examples of tyrannical governments that did incredible damage to not only their own peoples but other regions within their reach.. Tyranny however isn't always perpetrated by dictator type governments and can just as readily occur in "democratic" systems as well and isn't simply a historical situation.

Even in the modern day we have begun to see a sharp increase in tyrannical methodology used against people in various countries by various governments. Where a population is being told what they can and cannot do by a government that doesn't follow the same set of laws is tyranny as well as hypocrisy, sadly this appears to be the direction a notable percentage of not only 2nd and 3rd world countries but even 1st world countries governments have begun acting over the past years.

Without strong minded individuals willing to call out atrocity and keep governments in check by any means necessary they almost certainly will act in ways that serve to not only solidify their own positions of power, but also as history dictates time and time again, governments not held accountable for their actions on the world stage by the population will surely devolve into genocidal situations, experimentation on the populous or even worse.

Why This Exists and What This is For Ideally

This Community exists solely for the general public, regardless of geographical location, to share information on past, present and future tyranny as well as a rally point of sorts for international fighters of tyranny to converge to organize themselves into sometimes desperately needed civilian militias. Unless we band together to defend not only ourselves but those to weak or afraid to stand up against tyranny we almost certainly will be stripped of our rights and subjugated like cattle.

Regardless of location, colour, creed, sexuality, gander or religion you are welcome here provided you're genuinely concerned about the state of the world and its many governments overstepping their bounds to effectively subdue or control their populations. Feel free to share news, plans, historic happenings, messages of hope and freedom or whatever else you believe will help people push back against governments and their agencies victimizing people. You are Us, We are You.

Keep things civilized, intelligent and focused. This isn't a place for fools or jackasses, this is a place for the next generation of global civil war revolutionary to gather and conduct themselves as the population militia they need to be against tyranny and oppression. We stand for the right for people to live without fear of their governments, as life was intended to be..

"When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny."

Thank you for taking your time to read this and deciding if you're ready to join the resistance against tyranny on this planet. There is a cold war against the average man and his ability to live freely and without prejudice from governments. Free men do not ask their government for permission.

Freedom of speech is entirely encouraged and protected here, regardless of if the message shared offends or scares people.. And THAT there is a beautiful thing in my opinion worth fighting for...

I'll leave you with the track below in order to get you into the mood to fight against any and all would be tyrants, foreign or domestic, present or future.. We are the resistance, Welcome to H.A.T.E.D!

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