Season 4 Results!

Season 4 is now officially ended. We had a great season.

Here are a few stats

84 unique players

34 more members
of the Photo Games community joined during season 4

Welcome @cryptopsycho21 @themonkeyzuelans @cathgothard @jodijarvie @henrietta27 @melyxaluna @nicolasdosse @rimicane @Kalkulus001 @nayshot @dishonesty @malomi @ghazale64 @ekads @nerowolf @desro @wrestlingdesires @dswigle @fiatgirl @tattoodjay @matthewbox @soychalbed @jeenicious @ninahaskin @sidekickmatt @portal-xenna @laking @aichanbot @rt395 @littlebee4 @superslayer0040 @cindee08 @greddyforce @hiddenblade

11 Photo Stars hosting 4 weeks of games
@casegrimley @sjarvie5 @jarvie @sharker @benwickenton @kibela @sigota @fotostef @friendlymoose @itchyfeetdonica @bil.prag


36 people on the leaderboard

6 top players

1st @wnfdiary,360 points
2nd @sharker, 310 points
3rd @itchyfeetdonica, 275 points
4th @bil.prag, 230 points
5th @rimicane, 210 points
6th @fotostef, 170 points




Now for a very important poll about Season 5. Please reply below.

When would you like to start Season 5?

  1. I loved it, let's start next week!
  2. Let's have a little break, give me a few weeks
  3. I want a substantial break, let's play again in a few months
  4. It is fun once a year

Additional Questions
Did you like the 4 week long format?
Would higher prize money or end of season rewards be more incentive for you to play?
Any other comments.

Caveat: In order for the games to happen again there need to be Photo Stars signing up and hosting the games.

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