Hello Splinterland warriors!

Hope you will be fine and blessed today i am here with a new post in which i will be doing a giveaway of one legendary card from the chaos legion edition of earth splinter so if you are a Splinterlands game player then you can participate in this giveaway.


Rumors spread in the villages that if you wander too far into the jungles of Azmare you'll be snatched by Iza the Fanged. She does not use her fangs, or her teeth to grab you—but the very jungle itself.Read about this card

I will be giving away this legendary card to one lucky player who participates in this giveaway this is a legendary card from the chaos legion edition with a ranged attack and scavenging Sneak ability that you can use in both high or low mana battles because it takes only 4 MANA to be used in your battles. However, I am not using this card nor i do not have it in my collection but i bought it for $2 for this giveaway to give to one lucky player.


Also, i bought one epic card from the market for a giveaway that i will send to the 2nd lucky player. As one card is not enough so i added this epic card to the giveaway that will increase the chances if a player did not win the legendary he/she may win this card by participating so it depends on your luck. However, this card belongs to the life splinter with a magic attack recharge-ability that cost 3 mana so these two cards will be given to two lucky players who will participate. Also, i will do some more giveaways soon with my rental income but needs some more DEC for my cards upgradation as yesterday i upgraded my life splinter summoner to level 5 and needs some more cards upgradation from life splinter then i will start doing giveaways this is the the third legendary card giveaway hope more will come like this.


  • Everyone is welcome but you must have a Splinterlands account
  • You need to be an active Splinterlands Player and have some rating
  • Reputation must be 25 or Higher
  • Only one account per player (your alt account is not eligible)
  • To participate comment ''count me in" and mention one friend
  • Upvotes and Reblogs are not necessary but are appreciated

https://wheelofnames.com/ winners will be chosen via the wheel of spin and the first winner will get the legendary IZA THE FANGED card the 2nd one will get an epic TEMPORAL MASTER. The winners will be announced after one week when this post reaches its payout so you have a lot of time good luck to all players.

All images and animations are from the Splinterlands blogs and website

If you are new to this game then signup here to play the game click here for signup

Thanks For visiting my Blog

Best Regards @moeenali

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