Hello Splinterland Warriors!

Here we go for another week of Battle challenges with another Ruleset Rise of the Commons which means that only common and rare monsters will be used in this battle you can see below by clicking on the battle link and thanks to the team for arranging this challenge for us.





In the battle lineup, i will explain all the cards one by one used in this battle by a bot with very little mana cap of 12 and i won this battle with a nice strategy used by the bot.


TYRUS PALLADIUM is one of my favorite summoners from the Life Splinter that costs 3 mana cap and adds +1 armor to all friendly monsters which i upgraded to level 5 recently by investing $38 while the current price is dropped and is trading for $18 on the market and i bought it a bit expensive but it is fine as i am using this card in my battles while i already have one at level 3 which i will sell for buying the chaos legion legendary at level 2.



In the first place, a furious chicken is used which is a zero mana card from the rewards of the beta edition and i got so many BCX of this card which is a rare one and later i combined it for the enrage ability which was my biggest mistake to combine this card to level 5 because this card was traded for $30 per BCX and i combined 25 BCX which is not working all the time but a single BCX is enough to be use in the battles but here it worked well to fill the first slot and did not cost mana cap.

It was a ruleset of equalizer that equals the health of all enemy and friendly monsters in a battle so this one is a single mana card used here to get equal life same as all monsters in a team and its main ability to remove the negative stats from its friendly team monsters with its cleansing ability. However, it does not attack at level 1 while if you upgrade this card to level 3 then it will be able to attack otherwise it is used for the cleansing in all battles to remove the poison or snare or any other ability.

Another single mana card was used from the neutral family which gives us the benefit of using this card in all Splinters this one is also a reward card same as the Furious Chicken which is from the beta rewards edition and i turned this card to level 4 for its melee attack. However, the main ability in this card is to reduce the speed of all enemy monsters and give chance to friendly monsers to attack first on enemy monsters.

Well, the mana cap was small so the enemy team also used low mana cards that is why the monsters in both teams get less health equally and all monsters can easily killed so in my friendly team the bot used this card for the seank attack to target the last enemy monster and kill them in two or 3 rounds while at higher level it gets life leech from the enemy monsters each round it gets one or two health by attacking on enemy monsters in all battles and targeted the last enemy monsters.

In the 2nd last position, the bot went for another sneak monster which worked well for me, and targeted the enemy team back back-line positions monsters in this battle the bot used two sneak ability monsters and both targeted the last monster and due to these two monsters i won this battle because the enemy team used a magic which works better in all Splinters to target the first position monsters.

A single mana card used here named chaos agent which is non attack monster with high speed and Dodge ability at further level that does not get damage easily and will definitely missing some attacks but especially in high level version but used here to waste the attack of enemy sneak monsters but the enemy team did not used sneakers.

All images are from the Splinterlands website

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Best Regards @moeenali

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