RE: Chaos Legion General Sale: I'M Ready! Goals and Considerations / Sono Pronto per la General Sale! (ENG/ITA)

I'm still not convinced that opening the packs is a good idea. If you do it for the money, holding the packs and selling them after the general sale for CL is over would be way more profitable.

Holding packs and opening them later is a great strategy that has paid off well so far.
I still have 20 Untamed packs that I don't open and I'm keeping them for the long term.
The advantage of buying packs of cards (especially in the first 24 hours) are mainly airdrops.
After this purchase I will not buy any more packs but only cards from the market.
So I will follow a middle strategy: I will open most of the packs and the cards I don't like I will sell to buy cards I use in battle.
You're right at the moment there are a lot of cards with great stats that have great prices.
However when the estimated value of a pack is higher than the market value choosing to open and buy packs of cards is still a positive expected value choice and since opening packs is fun I do it ;)
Also with a little luck you can find a GFL....

That card is currently sold for around 10% of the price that I paid back then. I recently bought a maxed out Pelacor Conjurer, Mercenary and Deceiver (three of the best current reward cards if you are on a budget) at around $20 each.

I haven't bought any Chaos Legion cards until now because as more and more cards are released on the market the prices could still go down.
I don't buy Reward cards because I receive them in the chests and then when half of the Chaos Legion packs will be open I will consider buying cards from the market, for the moment I'm not in a hurry ;)

Thanks for your comment and your considerations

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