
Hard times always reveal true friends

Friends are a very important part of our life, they make the journey of this life memorable and fun. Most times we have a lot of friends around us that we wonder who among those friends are true. We can never know our true friends when we are prosperous or when things seem to be going well. Friends who are not sincere are repelled by hard times, they never want to suffer or face the discomfort of an unfavorable atmosphere. True friends are never known when one is at the top, you know them only when things get hard, because at the end, they're the only ones who stick around.

Time reveals who your friends are, it may take some years, sometimes 1, 2, 3, etc. But it surely comes. Time is a healer, time is a revealer, time shows us the part of life we hate and love to see. Give it time, you'll come to realize who's true and who was there to enjoy the favor and prosperity that you had gathered. Time helps you know who truly could stand for you when things go bad, and someone you can truly call a friend.


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A man called job, one of the wealthiest people in the city in ancient times. Plagued by a disease, not everyone who once called him friend stayed back. They couldn't bear to stay with him through the hard time, even his wife who was the closest to him despised him. Wealth attracts people and this includes everyone (the good and the bad) and poverty repels as well, but poverty repels just those who were never true in the first place. All these are revealed by time and situation. Allow time to teach you what's true from what is untrue, and be ready for the shocker of what is actually worth it or did not in the first place.

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