Make Time For Rest

Recently I understood how important it is to rest, not just the rest we get from sleeping, but the extra time we stay off anything that makes us exhausted. People sometimes go the extra mile of administering drugs that will deny them sleep and keep them awake all night for work. Work is good, even better when you have a big goal you're aiming at, but work without time to rest only wears one out and hinders one's brain from thinking vast and far. The importance of resting can not be overemphasized, health experts have record documentaries that capture the relevance of rest to our body.


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I got a notification from hivebuzz that I'm a buzzy bee, I get this notification every week telling me how I have consistently posted at least one post a day throughout the week. Sometimes I squeeze out time to draft an article, while other times I just follow a contest prompt. We need to make time for rest, work without play makes Jack a dull boy. There was a time I broke down because I wanted to be consistent with making two posts a day, even when my body was weak, I still wanted to maintain that standard, I just didn't know how much hard it was causing me.

No matter what you do in life, make time for rest, you always need refresh energy to enable you to go further. Don't break down trivializing how important rest is.

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