Chance and change

Your life does not get better by CHANCE It gets better by CHANGE

We are no longer who we used to be 5 years ago and this is as a result of change. Constantly we evolve in our thinking and the way we act as we grow and come in contact with reality. These changes mud us up and reshape our mindsets until we become a better us. We do not get better by chance, else people would have been lackadaisical about working on themselves and wait for chances to happen to them. Life is a school of learning that offers her students liberty to make free choices. Each choice we make or don't make has its consequences, however, the ability to change lies in the decision we make.

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Life was programmed to evolve with time, so change is constant. It's either one attracts a positive change or a negative change, either ways, a change occurred. Each day in a man's life is filled with experiences. It's from these daily experiences that stir our heart to make amends and change for the better. Life doesn't just get better by chance, it's not a game of luck but a deliberate decision to change what's not working and apply that which is.

Go for positive change, it's the ladder to a better life. Make mistakes , a lot of it while you can and learn from them. All you've learned,adjusted and readjusted about your life will make your life easier and better.

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