Splinterlands is more than just a card game

If some users and players think that Splinterlands is still just a simple card game... Well then it's time to take a look at the updated roadmap released by the team in the latest TownHall! LAND 1.5 will be launched in the coming weeks and players will be able to start testing live the evolutionary phase of Splinterlands and which goes far beyond a fight between monsters or cards.

Land will also be decisive for the economy of the game and for its DEC tokens and in particular SPS, which is currently still suffering, but when DEC starts to run low following the enormous use expected in the game, then SPS will be the only way to get DEC using conversion, while eliminating SPS from the supply.

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Another great impetus will also come from the official launch of Soulkeep, the Splinterlands tower defense, which will be another great resource for SPS, being the currency used at the moment. I'm waiting for more data on the game's economy and the release of the White Paper to better study the details. The beta test was very satisfying, many bugs were fixed and graphical and gameplay improvements were made. I am excited about the official launch of Soulkeep because TD always attracts a lot of users and I hope Soulkeep will get a great response from the audience.

Splinterlands is therefore not just a card game, but is literally turning into a large ecosystem that will add more and more incentives for SPS but above all promises great fun for everyone!


The @splinterlands contests are not only meant to get us generous upvotes but above all to help us discover new cards that can be very useful in our battles and stimulate us to new strategies and more options in battle.

The low card prices, also caused by the large number of prints and availability of Chaos Legion cards, are a great entry point for new players. In fact, it is possible to build an excellent deck of cards by spending little, compared to the cards of previous editions. It will also be interesting to observe the upcoming airdrops of CL cards in order to better determine which Summoner to upgrade and consequently which cards to buy on the market!

Furthermore, the strategy that each player sets himself can undergo natural variations, in order to improve his deck of cards and climb the ranking of the best players, also obtaining higher rewards!

Good game

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Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you haven't signed up for Splinterlands yet, I invite you to try it. You can use my referreal link


Se alcuni utenti e giocatori pensano che Splinterlands sia ancora solo un semplice gioco di carte... Beh allora è ora di dare uno sguardo sulla roadmap aggiornata rilasciata dal team nell'ultimo TownHall! Nelle prossime settimane sarà lanciato LAND 1.5 e i giocatori potranno iniziare a testare dal vivo la fase evolutiva di Splinterlands e che va ben oltre un combattimento tra mostri o carte.

Land sarà decisivo anche per l'economia del gioco e per i suoi token DEC ed in particolare SPS, al momento ancora in sofferenza, ma quando DEC inizierà a scarseggiare a seguito dell'enorme utilizzo previsto nel gioco, allora SPS sarà l'unico modo per ottenere DEC utilizzando la conversione, eliminando allo stesso tempo SPS dalla supply.


Un altro grande slancio arriverà anche dal lancio ufficiale di Soulkeep, il tower defense targato Splinterlands, che sarà un'altra grande risorsa per SPS, essendo al momento la moneta utilizzata. Sono in attesa di maggiori dati sull'economia del gioco e sul rilascio del White Paper per meglio studiare i dettagli. Il test della beta è stato molto soddisfacente, molti bug sono stati risolti e sono state apportate migliorie grafiche e di gioco. Sono eccitato dal lancio ufficiale di Soulkeep perché i TD attraggono sempre molto utenti e spero che Soulkeep avrà un ottimo riscontro dal pubblico.

Splinterlands non è quindi un solo gioco di carte, ma si sta letteralmente trasformando in un grande ecosistema che aggiungerà sempre più incentivi per SPS ma soprattutto promette un grande divertimento per tutti!

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