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95% of the people in the world are suffering from heartbreak


People are so complicated, they choose to love who ignore them and also ignore those who loved them, why do the heart yearn for those who don't treat you right when there are many dying to have a chance just to be the one for you, i realize 95% of the people in the world are heartbroken and only 5% get lucky in relationship. being with someone who yearns for them as much as they crave for them...

The best kind of love is when you fall in love with someone who loves you but we hardly see that nowadays, many people are busy pursuing who doesn't want them and the person being pursued is also after someone who is pursuin another person, what a messed up world.!

People hide their sadness behind their smile, you see them smiling but they ain't happy, they are heartbroken, they can fake the smile but their eyes tells the truth, i feel bad when i see someone who is heartbroken and i always wish to put a smile on their face anyhow it may be...


''I still love him but i will break up with him" he keeps giving me attitude like he is tired of me, am sure he has another girlfriend"

Those were the words coming out of a broken hearted girl, she yearns for the attention of her lover but he is no longer interested in her, it breaks her heart and there is no way she would put her heart out again to avoid heartbreak, unfortunately for the next guy who may actually have sincere feelings for her...

This is the way it spread, people no longer put their heart into relationship, they are scared of heartbreak and in a relationship where both parties are not heartly involve, it can't last and they will only end up playing each other hence why we have so many relationship that doesn't last 3 months..

Unfortunately i don't have a solution to this problem, i can only advice people to abstain from relationships if the person is not who they desire instead of cheating on him/her....