Pelacor Arbalest is a battle hero - Life Summoner

Pelacor Arbalest


Hello, Splinterland warriors!
How are you today? I hope that you are fine and in good health.

In the death battle with mana 99, I was able to choose monsters that made me a team, to say the least, that it was a death team, when I faced a team with a magic splinter, and as it is known on the magic splinter that monsters are among the difficult monsters, where the magic attack directly reaches the health of the monster with excellent armor.

But thanks to the death squad that was chosen for the life splinter, the battle ended in only 3 rounds.

These are my choices.

The summoner playing in this battle is General Sloan. This summoner consumes 4 mana but adds 1 ranged attack to all his monster friends.

First place: Shieldbearer Has 9 health, 4 armor, and deals 2 damage to the opponent. He has the ability to make all monsters target him, allowing back row monsters to target the opponent's monsters with ease.

Second place: Luminous Eagle has 5 health, 2 damage, and 3 speed, has the ability to attack the first position of the opponent if he is stationed in the second position, and also has the ability to fly, which makes him respond to melee and ranged attacks.

The third place: Venari Crystalsmith 4 health, 1 ranged attack, and the ability to heal the first place monster. Help the tank hold out for a longer time thanks to the ability to heal.

Fourth place: Pelacor Arbalest has 2 health, and 2 ranged attacks and has the ability to deal a double hit that causes 4 damage to the opponent per round.

Fifth place: Portal Spinner Has 3 health, 2 ranged attack and 1 armor. It has the ability to deliver scattered strikes, the attacks of this monster hit a random target of the enemy.

Sixth place: Mantoid Has 5 health, 2 speed and 2 ranged attack, and has the ability to snipe that targets attacking monsters, magic, and monsters that do no damage in battle.

To watch the Battle

My Deck

Round 1

Round 2

Round 3

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See you next time. Until then, I hope you are doing well.

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