Bone Golem is a battle hero - Death Summoner

Bone Golem


Hello, Splinterland warriors!
How are you today? I hope that you are fine and in good health.

A battle with 27 mana was my choice based on my opponent's choice since he was playing with a summoner that added one magic attack and I chose my summoner, minus one magic attack for all the opponent's monsters,

And I also chose as a tank and a monster that reduces the damage of the magical attack, as some of the opponent’s monsters became not causing me any damage because they have one magical attack, here was my strength in the battle, and I also used monsters to strike from a distance and target the opponent’s row, which made the battle It only lasts 3 rounds.

These are my choices.

The summoner playing in this battle is Thaddius Brood reduces 1 magical and 1 HP for the enemy, and since my opponent was dependent on a magic team, It was a successful choice.

First place: Carrion Shade 1 melee attack 2 health and 2 speed, has no abilities but doesn't consume much mana.

Second place: Bone Golem has 2 armor, 6 health, 3 damage, and 1 speed. He has the ability to reduce magic attacks, making him powerful against magical beasts.

The third place: Venari Bonesmith He has 3 health, 1 magic attack, and 2 speed. His health increases every time he damages the health of enemy monsters in proportion to the damage he dealt to them.

Fourth place: Death Elemental 1 magic attack, 2 health, 3 speed He has the ability to target enemy monsters with long range, magic or no attack not in first place.

Fifth place: Silent Sha-vi Has 5 health and 2 damage and has the ability to sneak in and target the last enemy monster.

Sixth place: Soul Strangler has 2 health and 2 ranged attack, He has no abilities.

To watch the Battle

My Deck

Round 1

Round 2

Round 3

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See you next time. Until then, I hope you are doing well.

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