(Eng/Esp) Podcasts con Stella Martinez será celosa o no?

Podcasts con Stella Martinez será celosa o no?


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Hola un cordial saludos a todos los que me visitan en este momento agradecida de que estén aquí en mi canal. hoy les traigo un Podcasts con @stellamartinez, Hace un tiempo queríamos hacer este video pero por cuestiones de la video o problemas que se nos presenta no se pudo pero ya por fin lo logramos. Hace un tiempo hice un podcasts con unos amigo contándonos las malas experiencias con los ex, el peor besos y otras preguntas que surgieron en el momento la verdad que estuvo muy bueno ese podcast si aun no lo has visto te dejo por acá el enlace del video



Lo disfrutaras un motón y te reirás con las experiencias que contamos. la cosa es que Stella Martínez comento que ella nunca ha tenido un mal beso y yo quede asombrada y dije que la iba a invitar a que nos cuente un poco sobre esas experiencias y muchas cosas mas.

Quieres saber si Stella Martínez es celosa? pues te invito a ver el video

Muchas gracias por ver este video coméntanos que te pareció, que te gustaría que habláramos en otro podcasts.


Hello a warm greeting to all who visit me at this time grateful that you are here on my channel. today I bring you a Podcasts with @stellamartinez, some time ago we wanted to do this video but for issues of the video or problems that we could not but now we finally made it. Some time ago I did a podcast with some friends telling us the bad experiences with exes, the worst kisses and other questions that arose at the time the truth that was very good that podcast if you have not seen it yet I leave here the video link



You will enjoy it a lot and you will laugh with the experiences that we tell. the thing is that Stella Martinez commented that she has never had a bad kiss and I was amazed and I said that I was going to invite her to tell us a little about those experiences and many more things.

Do you want to know if Stella Martinez is jealous? I invite you to watch the video.

Thank you very much for watching this video, let us know what you thought, what you would like us to talk about in another podcast.

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