You Need Adventure When...

Photo by Matthew Sleeper on Unsplash

Friday used to be my easy peasy day. But lately it's crammed full of work. But it's not just Fridays. Every day is centered around work these past months.

Which is to be expected when you're building a new company. But, I'm so immersed in it, I'm sharing stories about work outside of work. Because that's all I've been doing from early morning to long late nights. Bor---ing!

Next thing you know I'll be dreaming about it. And that my friends is when you need to get the hell out of the office and on an adventure.

Since I just got back from a week away for a conference I can't venture too far. But a day to leave my routine and my work behind is perfect!

What's your favorite day adventure?

Day 17 - National Journal Posting Month!

Day 17 NaJoPoMo 2023.jpg

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