Travel Lag

Photo by Bao Menglong on Unsplash

I'm finally home. And I'm relieved to be back in my cozy environment. But now I'm prepping for the coming days and the travel lag I have to overcome.

I don't know if that's a real term but I'm using it. Travel lag is the feeling of overwhelm and stress that happens after you return from time away from your routine life.

It's not jet lag. I only traveled 2 time zones and have no issue falling asleep. This it travel lag. The feeling of needing a vacation from your vacation. The need to take more time off to catch up on what you missed and get back on schedule.

I need about 2 uninterrupted days to get back where I was and 4 days to get ahead. Travel lag is one of the main reasons I try to keep my time away under a week. Someday I will be one of the smart ones that plans for travel lag and adds extra catch up days at the end of my time off.

How do you handle jumping back into the routine after time off?

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