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Too Many Writing Gadgets

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It's Day 4 of National Journal Posting Month and travel prep day for me.
I'll be gone from my home office for a whole week. And I'm struggling with which writing gadgets I'll leave behind. I want to take them all.

My Mac Air is a must, along with my over the ear Bose noise cancelling headphones. And I've got a few shiny runner ups that could come in handy:

• My Freewrite Traveler: so compact and great for rough drafts. And the small screen keeps over the shoulder readers away.

• My Supernote tablet: I love this for taking handwritten notes. And it translates my scribbles into type for me to import into my Scrivener or blog

• My old Cannon Rebel camera: This is a great time to get some cool shots for future blogs. Since my phone can take great images this one will probably stay home.

• My lapel mic: I'm meeting a friend at the conference who is big on dictation. And I'm hoping she can show me how she makes it work for her writing.

• My Steam Deck: Ok, this one is not a writing gadget but I should be prepared in case of sudden gaming urge. It's a thing.

My hope was to walk around the conference with a light bag....the dilemma!

Day 4 NaJoPoMo:

NaJoPoMo 2023 Day 4.jpg