NaJoPoMo Day 2: One page in not enough!

​Photo by Prophsee Journals on Unsplash

I set up my journal for National Journal Posting Month with the intent of writing only one page a day. I don't think it's going to work.

I'm a journal doodler. Add that to the manga style panels and I'm writing myself into a corner. Today, I had more to add to my journal entry but no room to do it. And it made me wonder how many pages other journal writers entries are.

So I took to Reddit, my source for all things(don't judge) and checked in on my journaling subs. On average journal writers there fill 1-5 pages. The longer entries tended to be from people who took long breaks between entries. Daily journal writers filled 1-2 pages on average.

Now it makes sense why one page wasn't enough for me today when normally it's perfect. I have been away form my journal for almost 5 months. Too much time has passed. I'm going to fly free and fill how ever many pages it takes to be done for each day.

How many pages do you fill when you make an entry and do you journal every day?

See you tomorrow!

Day 2 Post
NaJoPoMo 2023 Day 2.jpg

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