Journal Writing Themes

Photo by Yaniv Knobel on Unsplash

In the few years of doing National Journal Posting Month I've noticed I write in themes. Each year there was something overriding my thoughts and emotions and of course my pages.

The first year was about my excitement about journaling itself. The second year I was focused on focus. Being mindful of my everyday. To be present in the day and not always looking at what was coming next.

This year I've been journaling about time. And the frustrating love hate relationship I have with time. It's a tricky bastard. Always fleeing and hiding when I desperately need it. Or attaching it's bloated, millstone weight on my shoulders when I want to move along.

Today, after 3 hours of sleep, I woke up to realize I didn't post yesterday's journal again. I had to finish a work project. Yesterday I need 5 more hours to my day but couldn't find it.

No sleep = a forgetful writer

But my marketing brain came to the rescue yet again! Because it's not called forgetful Thursday. It's called Throwback Thursday! And I'm celebrating another Twofer post from way back on Tuesday...

Shhh, it works!

Day 15 & 16 - National Journal Posting Month

NaJoPoMo Day 15 2023.jpg

NaJoPoMo Day 16 2023.jpg

3 columns
2 columns
1 column
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