Journal Stickers

Photo by pure julia on Unsplash

I don't know when it happened but I can't do a journal entry without adding some color or flare. I've adopted this into my planners too.

If it's not pretty, I don't want to look at it I guess! But decorating it takes time. And these days, my time is short.

So I started looking into stickers. Stickers are an easy way to give my page some color without spending time creating doodles.

I did some searching on Amazon and Etsy for stickers to capture different moods or seasons. I will likely need to buy multiple packs to get all the types I want.

On my initial search for 'journal stickers' I found stickers that were more for planners. Sheets filled with checkmarks, numbers, and other to-so planner stuff. I was surprised at the lack of vibrant stickers small enough to fit into a journal.

I'm going to vary my search terms and try to find more variety. And if you use stickers for your journal, please let me know if you found a good resource!

Day 23, 24, 25 - National Journal Posting Month

Day 23 24 NaJoPoMo 2023.jpg

Day 25 NaJoPoMo 2023.jpg

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