Hitting the Mental Wall

Photo by Drew Hays on Unsplash

It's the end of day five of my conference and my brain shut down around 2pm.

I've learned so much more than I thought I would. I have actions lists for my action lists. I even ended up buying a new planner. Which was an impulse buy because they ran out of stock and the damn thing is being shipped. The point of buying it was to use it now.

I'm all out of thoughts for this day except to say, I learned some pretty cool AI prompts. Some for MidJourney who gave me google eyes in the past. And a few for a marketing plan and buyer personas from ChatGPT.

Perfecting those prompts are on the top of my action items for my planner...when it arrives...

Day 9 - National Journal Posting Month

NaJoPoMo Day 9 2023.jpg

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