Gratitude Day

Photo by Kelsey Chance on Unsplash

There are many kinds of journals and ways to journal. One of the most popular is a gratitude journal. I often forget to add what I am grateful for to my entires. And it's something that I felt driven to write about today.

I'm grateful for new experiences.

It's not often I invest time or travel to do things outside of building my business. But this week I'm out of my office and out of town doing something that is just for me. Not to add to my skillset to support my clients. I'm learning and immersing in something just for me. And all the way up to the day of travel through the first few nights away from my office I've been condemning myself. Bashing myself for taking time away from my business which is in a growth stage and "wasting" time on myself.

But today, after a full day of learning I was dragging my overstuffed brain out of the conference area and found myself stopped every few steps. Stopped by new friends I've made. And with each step I forgot about all the things I should be doing. I forgot about the self imposed guilt of doing something for myself. Because I forgot how energizing and inspiring it can be to get outside your routine and get away from the day in and day out.

Today I am grateful to have the chance to get away and outside myself. I'm grateful for new friends and new perspectives!

Day 7: National Journal Posting Month

NaJoPoMo Day 7.jpg


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