End of the November Challenge 2023

Photo by Myriam Zilles on Unsplash

It's over! Thanks to everyone who participated and cheered us on.

This was the first year I missed posting my journal entry every day. And I had to get over myself. Get over the guilt, the panic, the disappointment, the horror that I missed days as the dang admin of the challenge!

It was an odd challenge for me this year. It was an odd year too.

But I did journal every day so I took comfort in that. One thing I never want is for this challenge to stress anyone out, especially myself - lol.

So I hope you had fun and remember the goal is to get back in the habit of journaling more frequently.

Happy Journaling My Friends!

Day 26 - 30: National Journal Posting Month

NaJoPoMo Day 26.jpg

NaJoPoMo Day 27 28.jpg

NaJoPoMo Day 29 30.jpg

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