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Day 3: Not Enough Hours in the Day


Photo by Kevin Ku on Unsplash

Running out of time everyday is a true phenomenon. I live in the vortex where time is shorter. Every day I wake up early and do my thing only to find I time warp to the end of the day and have to scramble to finish what I set to do. If it wasn't for the rolling hills and peaceful tress I'd pack my shtuff and leave.

**Why does it feel like time is short? **

Some wonderful science people did studies on this. While there are various reasons we feel this way the most common reason was too many things to do. Over scheduling is the time thief. And if you're in a stretch season like I am you'll just have to buckle up and and enjoy your days in warp speed.

The good news is, happy hour feels like it comes right after breakfast!

Day 3 National Journal Posting Month

NaJoPoMo 2023 Day 3.jpg