Bliss Full Unscheduled Days

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

It's Thanksgiving break. I busted ass to finish my work and have time off during the holiday.

I'm talking no sleep, triple time, day after day to get to these blissful schedule free days. Skipped lunches, skipped happy hours, skipped journal posting. That last one wasn't intentional but my mind was set, focused on my client work only.

I still made entires in my journal but they just didn't make it here. The wondrous, golden yellow warmth of the sun breaking through the clouds moment when I hit save on the last piece of client copy was worth it all. Worth all the delirium and bleary eyed, crazy bun head filled with random pen days.

And all I want to do on my hard earned holiday is sit at the computer and write. Crazy? Nah. Because this time, I'm in other worlds of my own making watching my characters twist and dodge to survive my imagination.

I hope you get some time off during the holiday. And for those that don't have a holiday this week, I hope you get your 'you time' too! Who needs a holiday for that?

Day 19, 20, 21, 22 - National Journal Posting Month
Day 20 NaJoPoMo 2023.jpg
Day 22 NaJoPoMo 2023.jpg

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