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Philosophy is more general, principles is more specific leading towards application. Other words: truth, ethics, morality, facts, evidence, logic. Swatting is attempted murder, police should ask you to do a video call walking around your house, garage, inside, outside, full tour and @ScottAdamsSays said AI is bad at giving facts or opinions but I wonder how Grok compares to all of that. How long/how often can you get me to return/interact/engage in my Discord Server is the brand new 2024 Oatmeal Discord Challenge and chances are you'll fail and I'll probably never ping/message people in my own Discord Server ever again assuming you can't get me to return/visit.

Laughter is falling from trolls regarding the failed Oatmeal Discord Server which failed to attract too many awesome content creators in 2023 but instead attracted weirdo children who are not even allowed and who weren't technically invited in the first place yet they're haters. Virgin is a word describing almost like an invisible line as to say what not to do when really we should be more focused not on what not to do but on living the best lives we can which should probably include marriage to one spouse and lots of children if possible.

My 2023 Discord Project failed meaning I'm stepping down from the Executive Producer gradually transitioning away from what isn't currently working, if I banned the trolls/haters or inactive users, then my Discord Server would probably go from 400+ members to like twelve or less.

Fake Oatmeal



Please lick my memes

Oatmeal Daily - 2023-12-30 - Saturday | Published in December of 2023



Random Outline of my Jan6 Involvement, General Overview

In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

12:02 AM
Oatmeal Life - Rebrand Thyself, Part 5

Wanna go after Kenni? No Ra Ra, I don't wanna seek revenge
You might say I was too disconnected
Too much of a disconnect
That I had too much cognitive dissonance
Keyword here is too as in dangerously excessive
I'm trying not to say what I think about this right now
I could see both sides of the argument
We can all be guilty of these things
It's more of a question of not if but how much
Like how disconnected are you cuz we all disconnected
But are you too disconnected or were you
It's all up to debate
And I'm guilty of these things
I've done many things in my life and one of those things was trying to settle for an official professional name to go by, to be known as for my display name, username, URL, brand name, trademark, copyright, reserved, for social media, websites, missions, business, work, and anything and everything really
Born 1985 in Oregon with the name Joseph Scott Arnold but people called me Joey
Since the 1990s, I usually say name is Joey Arnold
Sometimes had other nicknames like Cool Kid, Bumbaloe, Star JSA, Ghetto Joe, Tweety Bird, Thief in the Night, Oatmeal, Original Oatmeal, Green Oatmeal, Vietnam Oatmeal, Ice Breaker, Jill Mill, Billy Breaker, Joseph Arnold, JoeyArnoldVN, JoeyArnold7, JoeyArnold4, JoeyArnoldVEVO, iJoeyArnold, Joe Dirt, Hey Arnold Move It Football Head, Four Eyes, Guinea Pig Lover, Fonnie Filden, Rambo Revenge, EA creator, Mea Omnia, Ra Ra, Mickey Morehead, Arnold Attic, 44 Tapes, Box Smasher Master, AWANA Master, CMT Bobbin in the Flatman & Bobbin puppet shows, etc
I thought about branding myself since like the 1990s
Sometimes I couldn't really stick with one official name
There were times over the years I'd go back and forth
Like I said, I did many different things in my life
Thus part of the reason it was so tough to stick with just one name
You might say I had my reasons for changing my mind so many times
I put myself out there online a little in the 1990s via AOL, Yahoo, etc, and possibly Geo Cities
My first Internet diary was probably via since like 2001
In 2004, started blogging on Xanga because my friends at my first college were on it
Then started using MySpace as well since my friends were on there also
Then at ABC, was on Facebook at least by 2007 if not earlier as all my friends were on it, I thought Facebook was lame but joined so I could try to have more friends than everybody else
I think my original display name on Facebook on my first account was Dr. Oatmeal
People would get friend requests and think who the beep is Dr. Oatmeal
They would tell me about it, like I got them, almost like a prank, like an inside joke or whatever
I felt like everyone who knew me online already knew me in real life first
Whether too subconsciously, accidental, or intentional, I didn't always explain myself to others
Sometimes just assumed people would understand me
Sometimes didn't think about how other people would think
Was in my own world/bubble/mind as an invert
Chris Chan, but I thought the short bus was coming today
Was often too busy in my mind thinking or outside of my mind building with my hands
You might say I knew better regarding how to interact socially and sometimes I did blend in and other times maybe I would worry, I would maybe overthink, and especially I'd try to like multi-task which employers/teachers/etc didn't like
There were times I would think about what my main username should be on social media and everything
This was an ongoing debate within myself on and off for years
Which resulted in me changing my display name on Facebook many times until like 2014
Right or wrong, good or bad, for better or for worse, etc, the results of all that chaos included some collateral damage, burning bridges, a variety of things deemed possibly/potentially counterproductive long-term or short-term speaking
My main username on social media past almost ten years since 2014 has been JoeyArnoldVN
But first like 17 years online from like 1997 to 2014, I didn't always have a main/consistent username/display name/URL or perhaps changed them too often and too many times over the course of those two decades
In the back of my mind, I still contemplate changing my main username of JoeyArnoldVN
Many times over the years I talked lot about problems I ran into which you might say I was making up excuses trying to blame other people and so and so forth; and my life is up to debate for the world to see as I'm so transparent
Perhaps I looked like social justice warrior, orange man bad
I was trying to seek justice, raise awareness to issues through, I considered problems in my life as object lessons that could be applied in the lives of everyone else on the Internet who saw my content over the decades
But regardless of whatever I thought I was trying to do, regardless of whatever my intentions were be them true, noble, just, pure, in raising awareness, in seeking justice, in the greater good scam, revenge, education, etc
Sometimes my passion came out looking like insane anger
Like sometimes you try to say something and it just comes out the wrong way
I failed a lot in my life, long story, regarding everybody everywhere these past almost 39 years, PewDiePie
Like regardless of whatever I was trying to do in life, you might say I hurt people, Tickle Me Elmo
Me changing my Facebook name a lot was partly one of the reasons I ended up making additional Facebook profile accounts, like dozens of them and also around 200 pages-accounts and around 200 groups too
You might say many things damaged my online/offline reputation/persona/brand/image/mojo/potential/reach and I often gave bad first impressions among other things long story
And me changing my Usernames/Display-Names/URLs over the years and other things probably didn't help you might say maybe but debatable and stuff, to be continued

08:09 PM
What Do You Do Song

1855 Galton movement turned into the Nazis


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Twitter Tweets

02:35 AM

One of the first times I saw @ChrissieMayr was when she was cosplaying as Beyond The Trailer @GraceRandolph on one of her first appearances on @Nerdrotics Friday Night Tights, 2021-08-27, this was back when I referred to Chrissie as the Pizza Lady

12:15 PM
It got that cold a few times or very close when I was in New York near Albany. Then when the temperature went back up towards zero, it felt a little warm in comparison.

01:20 PM
Well, if @Madonna can look like a duck, then why can't @MarthaStewart look like @michaeljackson. 06:54 PM. Virgin is a word describing almost like an invisible line as to say what not to do when really we should be more focused not on what not to do but on living the best lives we can which should probably include marriage to one spouse and lots of children if possible.

google me to find me online
start | bing | brave | duck | google | yahoo | yandex | you

2018-12-26 - Wednesday - AVATAR FAVORITE BOXER KNOCKOUT DAY LMS JA 6 54 PM PST 185100.jpg



Discord Drama

2023-12-30 - Saturday - 01:37 PM - Discord Log.

Two more days left of me talking about my Discord Server here and then maybe I'll never ever talk about it ever again here. 01:41 PM. My Space Force would have been my Discord Server which I've not shared screenshots of since earlier in 2023 as in like it's been weeks because I've not been there in a very long time. Dragon Ball has never been this weird. AI turned the world into Tim Pool. Oatmeal George Washington. 02:34 PM. New members who join my Discord Server come 2024 will no longer automatically become admins and many of the current admins there will probably be demoted if they are unable to stop the demotion. My Discord Server is North Korea. 02:41 PM. Those who wanted me to return to my Discord Server should have tried harder as things will only get harder come 2024 and beyond. My Discord Server died like my pets. 02:48 PM. Involvement in my Discord Server was discontinued as most of the 400+ members there are either generally inactive or dangerously spamming fake news defamation and out of context allegations which is why nobody should ever join ever again. 04:46 PM. Confession to failure regarding my inability to turn my Discord Server into the Legion of Memers in 2023 as was one of my top goals. 04:52 PM. Somebody on TikTok said screenshots of my Discord Server was recently shared to my main Twitter which is inaccurate as it's been a long time like weeks since I last visited my server proving my Lolcow Trolls are pathological liars defecating on deception porn destruction. 05:11 PM. Laughter is falling from trolls regarding the failed Oatmeal Discord Server which failed to attract too many awesome content creators in 2023 but instead attracted weirdo children who are not even allowed and who weren't technically invited in the first place yet they're haters. 05:26 PM. My 2023 Discord Project failed meaning I'm stepping down from the Executive Producer gradually transitioning away from what isn't currently working, if I banned the trolls/haters or inactive users, then my Discord Server would probably go from 400+ members to like twelve or less. 05:30 PM. My Discord Server will be dead until cool people can resurrect it, please don't join as trolls will spam you fake news about me until your ears bleed and will also try to dox/harass you too resulting in you leaving meaning might as well not enter in the first place/it's over/gone. 05:38 PM. Good news is my failed Discord Server nightmare is at least self-contained in that people there don't share anything there to other servers, people, or websites; nobody is allowed to show the world how insane my server is because it's too juvenile/pathetic/destructive/demented. 05:45 PM. Stepping away from my Discord Server because it's not bearing good fruit and therefore becoming more a counterproductive liability lacking enough momentum to expand towards destiny/growth to becoming self-sustaining with the mission of helping people help people as a main motto. 05:53 PM. How long/how often can you get me to return/interact/engage in my Discord Server is the brand new 2024 Oatmeal Discord Challenge and chances are you'll fail and I'll probably never ping/message people in my own Discord Server ever again assuming you can't get me to return/visit. Nobody believed me when I said I wouldn't be pinging/messaging everybody in my Discord Server in December of 2023 which my last post was on the 4th, my point here is my trolls lied saying I would when clearly we all know I actually didn't which discredits them to little pieces. Good luck trying to get me to cover the Fish Files which you might be able to accomplish via simply attempting to meet my Discord Server Demands. 06:23 PM. In the future I might consider putting out additional content/videos/articles/memes/whatever covering Fish Files, my Discord Server, Roy Merrick, and whatever else that might be related, and I may mention some of that said content on this Twitter account; yet, probably less often. As a man, I have to admit when I've lost, when something isn't working, sometimes you have to give up and move on; my 2023 Discord Project failed, my trolls have won and they owe me money for losing the bet. 06:32 PM. Let the record show the last Discord Server Screenshot I shared to this Twitter account was on Friday, the 22nd day of December of 2023 as seen in this screenshot and link below, this was eight days ago, it was the last time I visited my Discord Server, probably never returning. 06:41 PM. This is my last tweet here in 2023 regarding my Discord Server and it might be the last time I ever mention my server on this Twitter account here assuming there's not enough demand & effort to meet my Discord Goals/Demands; but trolls won't remember I wrote this: my haters dead.


Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg


The Doll Factory 106

2023-12-30 - Saturday - 04:14 AM - The Doll Factory 106

Letter. She was captured. They look for her and he hides her. But she tries to escape. She might have the ability to hear from the dead. Looks like she kills him and escapes. But then there is another dream at the end that may be a dream or actually happened in the show with a new painting and everyone is happy.

11:37 AM
Stefan Molyneux - HERE IS HOW MUCH I NEED YOU! Freedomain Livestream

11:44 AM
Philosophy is more general, principles is more specific leading towards application. Other words: truth, ethics, morality, facts, evidence, logic.

11:45 AM
Scott Adams - Episode 2338 CWSA 12/30/23 Lots Of 2024 Optimism While Laughing At Today's Batch Of Absurdities

12:40 PM
Swatting is attempted murder, police should ask you to do a video call walking around your house, garage, inside, outside, full tour and @ScottAdamsSays said AI is bad at giving facts or opinions but I wonder how Grok compares to all of that

Here is a list of what I'm watching

The Doll Factory 106

2023-12-30 - Saturday - 04:14 AM - The Doll Factory 106

11:37 AM
Stefan Molyneux - HERE IS HOW MUCH I NEED YOU! Freedomain Livestream

11:45 AM
Scott Adams - Episode 2338 CWSA 12/30/23 Lots Of 2024 Optimism While Laughing At Today's Batch Of Absurdities

01:57 PM
Nerdrotic - Ending the Year of the FLOPBUSTER, Woke Hollywood in Shambles | Friday Night Tights #282

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to Oatmeal Daily with your host, me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, each day, I publish/syndicate these entries/posts/articles/web pages/stories/etc, to websites/blockchain/social media/email/etc. This is mostly a personal blog/vlog/diary/journal/autobiography/outline/news. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. Boring/mundane daily template log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. Dear diary journal blog, I got up at 10:40 AM. Cup of egg shells into dirt. Mom talks to me about her other instant pot which is the second one she got which came this week a few days ago, she is writing down recipes and telling me the differences between the two pots. Breakfast, 11:51 AM. Lunch, 01:16 PM. Brushed teeth after lunch and usually each night around like 3 AM. I also used this metal tool thing this afternoon which I also have. Nap around 3 for a while. Dream of things including church with one old lady back but she looked older and different this time. Ok. The end. Woke up. Compost, dirt, mail, dishes. Dinner, 04:34 PM. Dishes. Shower. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, grapes, orange, 11:51 AM. Lunch: potatoes on pinto beans soup, 01:16 PM. Dinner: 2 plain toasted bagels with traditional hummus, 04:34 PM. Scratch that hummus, it was bad, so I grabbed the garlic flavored hummus which is good. Chocolate ice cream around 7. Milk. Meat vegi soup thing. Around that time. ChinhPham0307: Son Class 0147: 2023-12-30 - Saturday - 09:25 PM. 1. Types of toilets. Vulnerability means weakness or problem. This second link goes to a web page. It is a second web page. is a website, and then there are pages within the site. You can call the Toilet pages like a channel or a fandom. So a fandom on this website is like a group or a topic. Toilets. Alliance. Demonstrated is like illustrated or shown.

I created my Discord Server in 2019. If anything happens to me, if you don't hear from me in a long time. Maybe I was murdered/killed. Maybe I was robbed, attacked, imprisoned, destroyed, etc. I will NOT/did not/would never ever kill myself/commit suicide. Lot of fake news about me online. Online anonymous troll haters had police swat us/sent unpaid pizza to our house/spread fake nudes of me/tried taking out fake credit cards in my name/stole my social security number (SSN)/etc. I need to put out better content/articles/videos/websites/memes/etc debunking defamation thrown at me, you can find fake news about me on my Discord Server and type in secret code Fonnie Filden 414 to show me you read this/Let us know if you want to help us.