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Ready Player Oatmeal/Any honest Oatmeal Historian will tell you my past 38 years of life has reflected the kind of person I am, I've not only said multiple times for decades online/offline to hundreds of people I know personally IRL I'm not a pedo so to speak, I've also shown it through my actions. Many people join my Discord Server for the wrong reasons as their TikTok brains MK-Ultras themselves like Roseanne said to Bill Maher, my Lolcow Trolls will join and then leave within seconds because TikTok is rotting their mental capability for long-term cognitive investigation. This New Zealand leader murdered too many people by making people get KILLER Covid Vaccines, the world is watching, we demand Nuremberg Trials 2.0.

Fish included a screenshot of my blog entry 2022-09-29 where I purposely placed a fake headline because I wanted to troll Fish last year as I knew he would run with it as he's surface level which proves my point that my Lolcow Trolls are demented suckers. 04:24 AM. Fish only shows the headline to my 2022-09-29 entry which left out the part where Roy said I'm into witty banter which is playful. On top of that, I've engaged in sarcasm/irony/hyperbole/insanity/analogies/contrasts/lies/deception/confusion/distraction/conflation/red pills/etc.

Over ten years ago in 2013 while I was in Vietnam crying about Kathy stealing my bike, Alex Jones was talking about leftist teaching children in schools about sex while attacking humanity. 2013, Alex Jones explains how female Japanese went from taking 2 baths a day to pooping and peeing in their underwear while watching TV as a reaction to the crazy culture and influences and insanity that pushes at humanity in negative ways leading to genocide.

Secret service contacted Alex Jones to ask about how the Deep State is trying to murder Trump and I don't want them to get away with Trump who will win in 2024 if he is not assassinated before he can get back into the White House in 2025. We told you for years. The left is putting out articles saying Trump will be a dictator when elected in 2024, truth of the matter is Obiden is a dictator, they are trying to murder Trump, Alex Jones reporting.

Willing to debunk specific Oatmeal Fake News if enough people beg me to tackle/unpack/analyze/study/broadcast details/records/archives/timelines of the transactions/conversations/interactions/screenshots of what the trolls left out/context/intentions/players involved/full story.



Ready Player Oatmeal

Oatmeal Daily - 2023-12-05 - Tuesday | Published in December of 2023



In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

11:31 PM
Only Join My Discord Server If The Following is True


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Twitter Tweets

12:34 AM

My favorite part of Simpcast was the phone call Chrissie Mayr and Keanu Thompson had with the pizza man, I felt like I was having a slumber party with 2 sisters, maybe you should do a prank calling show.

01:14 AM
My mom uses a caner on the stove full of hot water to can the glass jars. She then has the jars sit outside of the caner so the lids can pop to seal. Like it should be a noise indicating the air leaving the jars. Not to say there are not other ways of canning.

09:54 PM
I would postpone the hearing on his fate 20 years and focus on going after sex traffickers. We can sentence him or whatever after we go after bigger fish to fry. Perhaps he is guilty of manslaughter or it might be justified as an attempted self-defense/family-defense/retribution.

google me to find me online
start | bing | brave | duck | google | yahoo | yandex | you

2018-12-26 - Wednesday - AVATAR FAVORITE BOXER KNOCKOUT DAY LMS JA 6 54 PM PST 185100.jpg



Discord Drama

2023-12-05 - Tuesday - 12:22 AM - Discord Log.

Any honest Oatmeal Historian will tell you my past 38 years of life has reflected the kind of person I am, I've not only said multiple times for decades online/offline to hundreds of people I know personally IRL I'm not a pedo so to speak, I've also shown it through my actions. Many people join my Discord Server for the wrong reasons as their TikTok brains MK-Ultras themselves like Roseanne said to Bill Maher, my Lolcow Trolls will join and then leave within seconds because TikTok is rotting their mental capability for long-term cognitive investigation. 04:11 AM. Fish included a screenshot of my blog entry 2022-09-29 where I purposely placed a fake headline because I wanted to troll Fish last year as I knew he would run with it as he's surface level which proves my point that my Lolcow Trolls are demented suckers. 04:24 AM. Fish only shows the headline to my 2022-09-29 entry which left out the part where Roy said I'm into witty banter which is playful. On top of that, I've engaged in sarcasm/irony/hyperbole/insanity/analogies/contrasts/lies/deception/confusion/distraction/conflation/red pills/etc. Fish loves spamming my Discord Server with fake news, here are screenshots which are a combination of things which we'd have to unpack individually to understand the context therein/I've engaged in trolling my own Lolcow Trolls/fact they don't get it proves my point they lolcows. 11:20 AM. I didn't write what you see in this screenshot, my Lolcow Trolls love conflating a combination of quotes, screenshots, soundbites, and more, from different accounts, like a collage of mixed content. They try very hard to confuse the average surface-level critter. Is Roy worse than The FBI, he called my Twitter tweets stupid, should I demote Roy for being against me? I feel like Roy hates me and yet Roy spends so much time in my Discord Server. Roy also made this meme of Kanye West and Vietnam Kathy stole my bike like McDonald's stole my phone and YouTube stole my 10K+ videos. Roy will not confess he believes I'll be back posting in my Discord Server during the month of December of 2023 as in right now this month meaning before 2024 as in next year and Roy will own me a million dollars starting in 2024, Roy lost. 01:03 PM, Memes World Discord to Nasty Penguin: to answer his question: it would feel like boobs suddenly popping into an ooze of pudding, your head would hit the ground, well unless if the pillow was packed with many pounds of squished marshmallows. 01:10 PM. Ready Player Oatmeal, I'm looking for Meme Masters who can replace Roy in my Discord Server who might be just another Lolcow Troll bent on destroying my life via Fake News. 01:34 PM. Please ask Roy Merrick, AKA The Golden Boy, if he thinks I will posting again in my Discord Server before 2024, please force him to give a direct answer to that. After that, I'm gonna bet him money on that. After that, Roy will lose. Roy will never pay me money cuz Roy sucks dog. 02:16 PM. And just like that, the Oatmeal Discord Server became Nickelback/oatmeal-less, it's like Epstein Island with no Epstein, oh wait wasn't Roy there? Peter Pan Oatmeal and his lost guinea pigs, come with us to never-ever Arnold Attic Land. Roy made this GIF meme, it's fake news because I said yesterday I bet each person in the world a million dollars each that I will not post again in my Discord Server before 2024, I didn't say I won't be visiting and peaking at my server. Roy will not pay up because Roy sucks dog. Debunking Oatmeal Fake News my Lolcow Trolls spread in my Discord Server/TikTok/Instagram/Twitter/etc requires a lot of time but the problem is most people's attention span is too short to follow the sequences of events/context/circumstances/intentions/variables/factors/details. Willing to debunk specific Oatmeal Fake News if enough people beg me to tackle/unpack/analyze/study/broadcast details/records/archives/timelines of the transactions/conversations/interactions/screenshots of what the trolls left out/context/intentions/players involved/full story. 03:13 PM. To my Lolcow Trolls, you are fake news, I do not prey on anybody, I do not target specific people, I do not discriminate, i made many duets with everybody, randomly based on whatever pops up on my TikTok FYP, everybody knows I'm random and I just interact with anybody/everybody. 05:41 PM. I don't understand why people join my Discord Server & then leave within seconds, I wouldn't even join in the first place, they claim they know nothing before joining which begs the question of how can they learn everything they need to know within seconds? The answer you can't. 06:27 PM. Fish, get out of the voice channels in my goddamn Discord Server. NVBQ is friends with Bea. If I stop trolling Fish, would that make Brony stop, what is the Streisand Effect, do you think my Lolcow Trolls will ever find all the porn videos I was in where I have sex with people on the dark webs/Kiwi Farms, did you know I asked these questions in 2022 to troll Fish right? Dogs love meat, depriving them of meat is torture. Fish just did what I've been doing for years, Fish showed a photo of Abe Lincoln on the moon and said it's proof he was there. Likewise, regarding to my life, I've engaged in similar absurd irony/sarcasm/satire/hyperbole/etc. 1st, people pretend to be me to make y'all think I said/did bad things/parody accounts/identity theft/fake screenshots/soundbites/photoshop/2nd, bullies like Fish falsely accused me of being a child predator/pedo since 2013 or longer/decided to troll my trolls with fake news/etc. Fish is probably pro-abortion, NBC found, watch out for the blackouts which is why more people gotta become more independent, my Lolcow Trolls are truly broken souls with mommy issues. Do we need a Blackout to prevent Fish from stealing my face and pretending to be me? I've only scratch the surface, the tip of the iceberg, all of this started at least ten years ago or more and Lolcow Trolls like Bronycon refuses to look at the beginning. Ask Fish in my Discord Server why he refuses to pay me a million dollars come 2024 when he loses this bet which he believes I'll be back posting in my server in a day or two, Fish won't pay me money next month and Fish will forget about all of this, only you can remind him. 08:06 PM. I see no irony, I just see a baby murderer named Fish. Evidence Fish is a pathological liar because he said he would see me in a few days meaning he believes I would return to posting and pinging everybody with my messages in chat-level-00 of my own Discord Server, my bet is that I won't be again before 2024/Fish could win this bet. Fish would have agreed to this bet because Fish truly believes I'd be back posting in my Discord Server within a few hours, most of my Lolcow Trolls expect me to be pinging everybody 54 times each day. It's by that spirit that everybody in the world will owe me a million dollars. Vietnam Discord Kathy Fish Stole my Million Dollar Bike, I'm Pee Wee Herman on a new adventure. Oh my god, Fish has children in his basement. Fish owes me a million bucks. Fish owes me a million dollars because Fish said yesterday as seen in this screenshot and I quote: "See ya, in a day or so." End quote/Fish, like most Lolcow Trolls in my Discord Server, assume I'll be pinging everybody millions of times/daily/but won't be again before 2024/I win. 11:45 PM. I heard Fish can't tell if I'm utilizing satire/sarcasm/hyperbole/irony/deception/allegories/contrasts/lying/parody/wit/stories/content out of context/character as seen if you actually studied the patterns of my life as provided in my autobiography which is online everywhere. Beetle Juice, and you look like a horse, but do you eat hay and how much for a ride? This is why you shouldn't join my Discord Server, it is full of brainless people. Fish, don't tell Beetle you think I'll be posting and pinging everybody again in my Discord Server in a day or two, don't tell anybody you said this which echos what Socks12 and others said, all my Lolcow Trolls think this and say this forever, don't tell anybody this secret. I'm paralyzed from the neck down. Fish won't tell you he thinks I'll be back soon. When people join my Discord Server, Fish, the king of my Lolcow Trolls, will send them fake news about me which leads most people to fall for it because most people are NPC SJW leftist zombies. The only people who ever joins my Discord Server are people who know nothing about me and they also refuse to read the messages I left in my server in special channels which includes links because most of them are lazy Lolcow Trolls who are demented losers deflecting/reflecting.


Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg


The Buccaneers 106

2023-12-05 - Tuesday - 03:26 AM - The Buccaneers 106

Played in snow. A war of love and lovers. One lady was like Skip and said the girl cannot be with her like son as she was Jon Snow a bastard. Perhaps she can get with Aladdin instead. Confrontation between one couple regarding the naked girl on the bed. A third couple and their baby. A 4th couple might marry. One lady was seeking advice from a girl about confidence.

11:42 AM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Tuesday 12/5/23 • TRUMP DICTATORSHIP IS REALLY THE DEEP STATE • Infowars

11:45 AM
Over ten years ago in 2013 while I was in Vietnam crying about Kathy stealing my bike, Alex Jones was talking about leftist teaching children in schools about sex while attacking humanity. 2013, Alex Jones explains how female Japanese went from taking 2 baths a day to pooping and peeing in their underwear while watching TV as a reaction to the crazy culture and influences and insanity that pushes at humanity in negative ways leading to genocide.

11:42 AM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Tuesday 12/5/23 • TRUMP DICTATORSHIP IS REALLY THE DEEP STATE • Infowars

11:59 AM
Secret service contacted Alex Jones to ask about how the Deep State is trying to murder Trump and I don't want them to get away with Trump who will win in 2024 if he is not assassinated before he can get back into the White House in 2025. We told you for years. Alex Jones had this ancestor, John Paul Jones 1776. The left is putting out articles saying Trump will be a dictator when elected in 2024, truth of the matter is Obiden is a dictator, they are trying to murder Trump, Alex Jones reporting. People are deep-faking the voice of Alex Jones to create some amazing songs.

01:14 PM

01:17 PM
This New Zealand leader murdered too many people by making people get KILLER Covid Vaccines, the world is watching, we demand Nuremberg Trials 2.0. Alex Jones had an uncle who was a helicopter pilot for the Vietnam American War. After that, the CIA recruited him. But then he got out of all of that in the late 1980s because he saw government and others smuggling children (trafficking) from South American countries. Barry Young was a database admin, he became a whistleblower 2 days ago via video as he exposed all the people murdered in New Zealand via Covid Vaccines. After that, they arrested him for showing the world they're murderers. In New Zealand, Barry Young explained how he was the head admin of financial databases which showed all the people dying from Covid Vaccines and Barry was never anti-vax but he could not remain silent as he looked at the data. Barry Young was the head database admin for the entire country of New Zealand, he saw the data of people suddenly dying magically after taking the KILLER Covid Vaccines, Barry is begging governments to simply analyze the data, that is it, just look. 03:26 PM. Barry Young did what was never done before, Steve Kirsch explained to Alex Jones, see Barry made public some public health information which showed people dying in New Zealand after getting Covid Vaccines, more whistleblowers coming. Barry Young is the dog in Wizard of Oz showing us what lies behind the curtain is the raw data, the numbers, showing the lists of people dying after Covid Vaccines, this is the Rosetta Stone is here. Check out Liz Gunn at

05:33 PM
Timcast IRL - Biden Prepares To DROP OUT, President Hints HE DOESNT Want To Run w/Terry Schilling

05:54 PM
If people's school loans are forgiven, does that mean they won't get annual $300 refunds come tax season in April, will anybody notice they didn't get any money back in the mail come April?

Here is a list of what I'm watching

02:26 AM
Dr. Phil | Club Random with Bill Maher

02:46 AM
Elon Musk (Full Interview) | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

03:18 AM
Russell Brand | Club Random with Bill Maher

The Buccaneers 106

2023-12-05 - Tuesday - 03:26 AM - The Buccaneers 106

11:42 AM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Tuesday 12/5/23 • TRUMP DICTATORSHIP IS REALLY THE DEEP STATE • Infowars

01:14 PM

03:03 PM

05:33 PM
Timcast IRL - Biden Prepares To DROP OUT, President Hints HE DOESNT Want To Run w/Terry Schilling

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to Oatmeal Daily with your host, me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, each day, I publish/syndicate these entries/posts/articles/web pages/stories/etc, to websites/blockchain/social media/email/etc. This is mostly a personal blog/vlog/diary/journal/autobiography/outline/news. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. Boring/mundane daily template log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. Dear diary journal blog, I got up at 11:00 AM. Raining outside. Small living room trash into kitchen trash while mom tells me what she can do in her cooker and she is happy about that. Breakfast, 11:13 AM. Trash, compost dirt, garbage out there full, raining, umbrella, vacuum. Lunch, 12:35 PM. 01:50 PM, glued up my work shoes which are black dress shoes, it was mostly the heel of the left shoe, I used wood glue, rubber bands, and placed it under a small shelf desk thing and on a step stool thing. Mom said a lot of glue may be worse. I think that might be true. Had to restart my ASUS laptop when the windows list applet failed. It froze. Also my computer was acting slow and stuff. And slow transfer to my new 5 TB drive. I accidentally restarted in a sense. Many issues. Restarted really slowly maybe partly due me accidentally crashing it and due to the different drives and devices connected to my ASUS laptop which maybe caused it pain and confusion. After that, dishes around 04:50 PM included mail in the dark. Dinner, 05:32 PM. Today mom is tryiung to make banana chips via the instant cooker, she said it takes 7 hours. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, orange, 11:13 AM. Lunch: insta pot stew, rice, spinach, beans, 12:35 PM. Dinner: soup, noodles, rice, 05:32 PM.

I created my Discord Server in 2019. If anything happens to me, if you don't hear from me in a long time. Maybe I was murdered/killed. Maybe I was robbed, attacked, imprisoned, destroyed, etc. I will NOT/did not/would never ever kill myself/commit suicide. Lot of fake news about me online. Online anonymous troll haters had police swat us/sent unpaid pizza to our house/spread fake nudes of me/tried taking out fake credit cards in my name/stole my social security number (SSN)/etc. I need to put out better content/articles/videos/websites/memes/etc debunking defamation thrown at me, you can find fake news about me on my Discord Server and type in secret code Fonnie Filden 414 to show me you read this/Let us know if you want to help us.