PETALS - CURATION REPORT - November 2022 - #59

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Welcome to the first edition of our PETALS community report it has been a very gratifying few days because it has had a great acceptance and that is always appreciated, before publishing we recommend that you read the community rules and comply with the requirements mentioned below so that your publication can be selected by the curatorship team:

  • The publication must have at least three photographs.
  • You must write a minimum of 300 words in your publication.
  • Add truthful information about the specimen they are showing.
  • Mention where and when you took the photographs.
  • The publication must be posted within the petals community.

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Nesactium was an ancient city, the capital of the people called Histri, and then a Roman town after the conquest in 177 BC...

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@elentogetherCactus flowers


When my husband brought several pieces of cacti to plant in pots we had no idea they grew so tall...

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@birdwatcherCornflower Centaurea cyanus


Cornflower is such a common field weed, at least that's how I see it. However, it is pretty, striking, and so I occasionally stop and take a photo for iNaturalist...

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@eyesonthegoalsThe Peregrina Flowers


Peregrina is a popular border and ornamental plant because of its beautiful red or pink flowers that bloom year-round...

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Come on and...together let's take HIVE to the moon!

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