The Checkpoint - Level 7 is live!

Hi ZENZOnites!

A new e-series called “The Checkpoint” officially launched on November 16th, 2019, where ZENZO provides discussions and open conversation around cryptocurrency, blockchain, and gaming. Along with these innovative and pioneering subjects, ZENZO is also showcasing its own technology along with highlighting other respectable projects and games within the space. Furthermore, checkpoints just wouldn’t be as much fun if there weren’t rewards and prizes, right?

On June 27th, 2020, The Checkpoint Level 7 will be live streamed across multiple platforms like Twitch, DLive, Vimm, Youtube, and Periscope. For this event, ZENZO will be joined by a special guest, Ralph Laemmche (CEO of Touchhour / 9 Lives Arena). Ralph will be talking about their game 9 Lives Arena and also showcasing the game. During the event, there will be opportunities to ask both Ralph and Tendo about 9 Lives Arena and ZENZO. Nine lucky players will win 1 ooogy (9LA NFT), as well as some ZNZ. Many more surprises for those who tune in to the full 3+ hour stream...


  • 9 Ooogies
  • ZNZ

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