"Lifescape Tribe" Logo Design Contest

Good day everyone, we are currently in the process of building Lifescape Tribe. There are still many elements that is missing ,one of it is the official logo of the community. A logo is very important since it gives identity to the community, this is the one thing that will make us unique.

Given this, we will conduct a logo making contest. Everyone is welcome to join, we will let you decide on the components of the logo. To help a bit ,here is some background of the Community .

This community will be a witness on your life journey. Your plans, activities, mood , successes struggles and anything you do that makes your life the way you wanted it. Inspiring and empowering each other to reach our life goals.


  1. Create a post in Lifescape Tribe as an official entry for the contest. Also mention this contest in your title of your entry.
  2. Use the tag #lifescape in your post.
  3. Comment your post link in this post.
  4. The contest will run for 5 days including the date of posting..


  1. All participants will receive a full upvote from the community and other supporting communities.
  2. The selected winner will be rewarded with 3 HIVE .

We know that the prices is quite small for your skills, but the community will forever be thankful for your contribution. Again , THANK YOU VERY MUCH !

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